Tech and You

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Technology and You

by Logan

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” Albert Einstein . If you stop and think about it, the thing we take for granted all have to do with technology. In this short(a mere five paragraphs)typed essay I cannot explain to you everything that has something to do with tech. Instead I will just explain five topics, the magic of computers, smartphones, air, land, and sea vehicles, food and other things you wouldn’t think had anything to do with technology , and how far we’ve come from instant messaging to tapping the keys, and sending a message for the world to see.

Computers are magical. I mean, think about it! When you need info on some president report because someone else picked the famous ones, where do you go? Oh, I know, a lot of old people would say,”Oh, I would go to the library and read a book!” Well, chances are, if you’re reading this, you are either my wonderful teacher Mrs. Mundee or a student in my fifth period class. Or maybe I shared this with you on Google Docs. So, anyway, you are probably not 80 years old so the only reason you would go to the library, is to pull up this president’s profile on the interwebs and read that instead right? Right. Well probably because, then when you read it online there is no risk of paper cuts. Computers are very complicated, and to prove this to you I will proceed ask you to get up, get a computer, take it apart and put it back together. Chances are you cannot do that. Which proves my point, computers are complicated. I am now finished with this section of my essay.

Now we get to talk about smartphones. Some of you lucky ones may have one, but unlucky people(like me) are stuck with phones that don’t get apps or connect to the internet or any of that stuff. So those of you who have one, DON’T TAKE IT FOR GRANTED!!!!(that was off topic)OK, back on topic, if you have ever had something

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