1st of November

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The clock is loudly ticking, the moon shines so bright in the darkest of the night. There were no stars during this time. It's so quiet, a bothering silence that will make you creep out when you think of something "scary". October was about to end in 5 minutes. I could see those children wearing cute and somewhat scary costumes with pumpkins and baskets with them, knocking door to door asking for trick or treat, while me? I'm here in my room waiting for someone.

I was waiting for my dead boyfriend to show up on me .... I was waiting for him to do that for almost 6 years.....









Oh I'm just kidding, I'm trying to scare you out. HAHA!

The truth is, Shin texted me awhile ago that he will be celebrating the halloween with me. Well I'm kinda excited and happy coz he will be with me on the spookiest day of everyone's life. I'm getting a little impatient here, I CAN'T WAIT FOR HIM SERIOUSLY ! AND I AM NERVOUS !!..

"I'm thirsty" I mumbled. I stood up and walk through the kitchen to get a glass of water. When suddenly I heard someone knocking on the door.

"It must be shin" I thought. Out of excitement to see him I ran through the door and opened It. "He's not here." I heave a sigh, closing the door with a feeling of disappointment inside me.

I went back to the kitchen to do what I suppose to do, I open the fridge when suddenly. The lights began to turn off.

I look up and took a glance on the light bulbs. "Eh?" I whispered. suddenly chills began crawling up all over my body. My knees weakened. I shrugged, "I'm just scaring myself" I whispered once again.

'Maybe the breaker was broken' I told to myself trying to calm down and trying to erase scary thoughts in my mind. I pick up my phone that was on my pocket and turned the flash on so the light would guide me through this dark room. 'Uggh Creepy!' i thought

I checked my wristwatch once again. 'sht' I cursed. It's Midnight, thoughts of this makes me feel more scared. god why does this happen in exactly Halloween day?

I light up my way through the breaker that was placed on the dining room. Good thing is, it is only an inch away from where I am now. I started to walk all the way trembling. I was being fidgety of my surroundings because I feel that anytime, some creepy creatures will suddenly show up infront of me.

"Cez." some gentle sound calls my name, it suddenly creep me out and stop me from walking. I heave a deep breath trying to calm down myself

You didn't hear anything.. I said to myself trying to calm down as I continue walking through the dining room.

I came, at last! phew~! I opened the breaker and lighted it up. But it seems that there's no problem with it. I furrowed my forehead So it's a total black out?

I look at the window "That's weird. Why does the other houses had their lights on?" i thought to myself again.

I also noticed that the street are Empty, Does the halloween end? or did the kids go back to their home and finished their trick or treating? It suddenly gives me a weird feeling.

The cold breeze slowly touches my skin that gives me chills and creeps for no reason, I can feel myself trembling. I could also feel that someone was beside me or someone is at my back looking at me. I want to move and go away from that spot but my body doesn't want to. I could also hear some murmurs that I wasn't able to understand because it's unclear. I shut my eyes tightly, I was crying inside. Praying...

Good Lord, please.... I thought. I turned around and heave a sigh to calm myself, I open my eyes gently. When I finally opened it, I turned around and look around me. I sigh in relief

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted when a girl's bloody face was an inch away on me. My eyes widen, She's smiling evilly, Her eyes are as white as powder, She has a wound on her forehead that It seems like she was shot by a gun. It creeps me out for real. I only see this kind of creatures in movies but I don't expect to see one in real life. I shut my eyes tightly again for the second time.

Cez... Cez...

I opened my eyes when I hear a familiar voice calling at my name, My vision became blurry that made I started to cry and hugged him tightly

"What happen?" shin asked in a concerned tone

I nodded, he hugged me back tightly, I was afraid of my dream that I wasn't able to differentiate it from reality, good thing that he came. Thank God

"You got a nightmare don't you?" he asked. I nodded once again, He caressed my back gently trying to comfort me "Stop crying princess. I'm here" he said

"I-I'm scared" I replied between my sobs. I'm still trembling. It's too scary and I want to forget about it.

"Shh.. I'm here. Ok" he told me. I hugged him more tightly, I don't want to let him go. If I do, that girl In my dream might appear In front of me again. I don't want that to happen anymore.

He pulled out, he look at my eyes and I do the same, He smile at me. The smile that I wanted him to pull off, to show only at me. Holy! he's so attractive when he smile

"You're blushing" he said pinching my cheeks. 

"Stop it. It's not funny at all" I told him, but deep inside it makes me flutter. "Anyways why are you late? You told me you will come here on time?" I accost him. I look at my wristwatch and showed it infront of him 

"don't be mad. Atleast I'm here" he said while chuckling. "Anyways I have something to give to you. Wait here" He stood up and exited my room. My brows furrowed again. "What is he up to?" I whispered to myself. 

Then minutes later. He returned while holding a cake on his hand. He slowly but gently approached me. When we're inch away from each other, he kneel down so that he would be on my level. 

"Happy birthday" he greeted me. I look at him, Frowning "huh?" 

"Don't you tell me you forgot it already?" he ask me. I nodded, He heave a sigh "It's november 1st and it's your birthday. 

Then a 'ting' sound suddenly appear in my head. 

I almost forgot that today is my birthday. HAHAHA 

"blow the candles" he ordered which I did, I clap lightly and happily, I look at him once again he smiled at me. Murmuring the words I LOVE YOU at me,

"Surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!" a number of familiar voices began to yell inside my Room. My eyes we're diverted on them. They are our friends and classmates.

I smile at them, They are all greeting me and I mouthed thank you at them, They are approching me one by one, hugging me when suddenly, Because my door is open and I could see dark Outside of it. An Image of a White thing suddenly appear. My eyes Widened in surprise and Horror. 

The Girl that I saw in my dreams. It appeared in front of me and My eyes clearly saw her. 

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!|" I shouted in horror and all I can remember is that Everything went black. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2016 ⏰

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