
I yawn lightly as I wake up, rubbing my eyes. "Hi." My best friend Emily says, causing me to scream.

"Shush! I came to get ready with you!" She exclaims, clamping a hand over my mouth.

I look at her, confused, until I finally remember what day it was and my heart drops. It was choosing day. Choosing day is where girls in our pack from ages seventeen to twenty eight dress basically like sluts and prance around trying to get the attention of the male wolves in the pack.

This year another alpha was even coming over as a guest to see if he could find his mate. "Rosilia, come on. We need to start getting ready because it stars in like four hours." Emily whines, dragging me out of the bed.

I roll my eyes, nodding. I sigh, walking past my best friend and into my bathroom. I place a towel on the lid of the toilet, let the shower warm up, and then step in. Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash, and a quick shave of my legs and armpits is all I need before I get out and dry off.

"Rosilia I found the perfect outfit for you! Hurry up in there! "Emily yells, pounding on the door. " I'm coming! Jeez." I mutter loudly, blowing drying my hair for a few minutes until I'm finally done. I walk out, expecting to see Emily in a simple black dress but I gasp instead, tears coming to my eyes. "Em! You look beautiful!" She laughs, giving me a playful eye roll.

"Now your turn." She says, handing me a more simple, blue/green dress. I smile and quickly put it, and the silver heels on. Once I'm finished Emily does my hair while I apply light make up. "Oh Rose, you just look so adorable! " She squels.

I laugh as we hug each other, biting my lip. I already new Emily was going to get picked today, and that I also had a pretty fair chance at it, but thankfully we'd still be together because only one man that wasn't in our pack would be choosing. He wouldn't pick one of us anyways though, that would be impossible.

~ At the Choosing Ceremony ~

Em and I had said goodbye to our parents, and now we were sitting down at a lovely white table, waiting. All females were on one side of the field and the males were on the other, gawking like idiots. A big brown stage stood inbetween the two sections, and everyone grows quiet as our Alpha steps up, smiling.

"Hello Everyone! As you all know today is the Annual Choosing Cermoney for mates. Today though we have a special guest who will be joining, and also one of the first people who get to choose. Alpha Xavier from the Wolf's Bane Pack." A very good looking, but also harsh, man steps forwards as everyone claps. He looked almost bored as he took his seat again, but annoyance glinted in his eyes.

"After our guest, my son, next leader of the pack will choose his mate, your future Luna!" Our alpha states proudly as Justin stands, grinning. We all cheer for him, especially Emily who looks like she's about to start drooling. I laugh lightly, nudging her under the table. She shakes her head, blushing as she looks away.

"So, let's commence! Females, gather in the line, shoulder to shoulder of course, with the stronger females towards the front and the omegas at the end." He says, and I inwardly wince as I leave Emily towards the middle of the line, blushing. I was second to last and I knew how bad that was for me. Xavier stands, and slowly walks down the line of girls, sometimes pausing to sniff, and other times looking disgusted as they poke their chests out further and stand straighter.

I keep my head down, looking at my feet with my hands clasped in front of me as he gets closer and closer, but I tense as I see a pair of black shined shoes stop in front of me.

"Mine." He growls lowly, causing me to whimper. My wolf was happy, yipping and howling with joy, while I stood there terrified. "Look at me." He says firmly, a harsh tone lacing his voice.

I take a deep, shaky breath before forcing my eyes to lock with his, looking at him through my long eyelashes.

"What is your name?" He asks, and I bite my lip, nervously glancing down the line to Em who looks as shocked as I feel. Slowly I return my gaze to the Alpha Xavier who looks like he's getting impatient.

"I-I'm Rosilia." I mumble, blushing even more. His eyes slowly look me over before he grabs my wrist, obviously not caring about being gentle, and yanks me forwards, turning towards my Alpha. "I'm choosing her. Rosilia." He states. My alpha casts me a sympathetic look, but nods.

"As you wish. You can either stay and watch the rest or leave." He explains. For a moment I hoped Xavier would let us stay so I could see who Emily would get chosen by, but he shakes his head and starts dragging me along. I cast a look back at Emily, both of us tearing up and I end up being the one to break the gaze, giving her one last watery smile.

"Hurry up." Xavier says gruffly, pushing me into the passenger seat of a black camaro. I feel the tears slide down my cheeks, and I look out the window, basically glued to the door as he gets in. I notice him frown. "Come closer." He says, clenching the steering wheel once we starts to drive.

I stay where I am though, frozen with fear of being trapped in this car with him. I was a weak omega who had never even talked to an alpha before. How the hell did the moon goddess expect me to be his mate?! I guess I took to long because I hear a low growl, before I'm yanked over onto his lap, a rough grip around my waist, holding me awkwardly.

"Let's get one thing strait here, You will listen to me and do what I say when I say it. I am your alpha now. I chose you. You are mine. Are we clear?" He asks, glancing down at me. His eyes were cold and blocked off, but I nod, quickly rubbing the tears off of my cheeks. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. I mean, the Moon Goddess wouldn't give me a monster for a mate... Would she?

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