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"Jackson, what flavor cupcakes do you want?" Mark was glad to finally have some time alone with Jackson since they've been so busy with album promo events.

"Mark, I thought you said 'Netflix and chill' not 'Jackson watches Netflix alone while Mark bakes'."

"Just tell me what kind of cupcakes you like, jeez Jackson."

"Bet you can't make red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting!" Jackson teased.

"Actually that's my specialty!" Mark laughed.

"Alright well hurry up I really want to just relax and cuddle with you" Jackson pleaded.

"Okay, okay I'll be there in a second." Mark threw the batter together quickly and shoved it in the oven, anxious to spend quality time with the love of his life.

Mark spends about 5 minutes trying to pick a movie when Jackson starts to get bored. "Mark, can you just pick a movie oh my gOD."

"You're not even helping! Why don't you just pick it jeez!"

"I told you to put on 'The Matrix' are you kidding me???"

"Okay f i n e" Mark finally starts the movie and the couple cuddle up in Mark's oversized blanket which was clearly meant for two.

Mark nuzzled his head on Jackson's chest, with Jackson running his fingers through Mark's hair. He loved listening to Jackson's steady heartbeat up close.

"I've been waiting for this all week" Jackson whispered as he kissed Mark on his forehead.

"Jackson shut up I wanna watch the movie."

Jackson promptly stopped the movie in utter shock. "EXCUSE ME WHAT THE HELL" Jackson hadn't caught on to Mark's sarcasm.

"I WAS KIDDING OH MY GOD. DON'T HATE ME" Mark thought that he ruined everything just now. "I should stop trying to be funny" Mark thought to himself.

"I was 100% kidding. Please, I love you so much, don't worry." Jackson pulled Mark even closer to his heart and held him tightly, giving him much needed comfort.

"I thought you were mad at me. I was so scared." Mark started to tear up and Jackson pulled him in even closer with a kiss on the neck.

"Sweetie, I could never get mad at you-you should know that." Jackson assured.

"I know, but I just-"

Jackson was quick to interrupt "That's enough. Just come here." Jackson gently lifted Mark's chin, wiped his tears and gave a gentle, loving kiss. Mark sniffled and kissed Jackson passionately-he really needed it.

"You're too good to me-I don't show you my love enough. I'm sorry" Mark was realizing that he was taking this relationship for granted.

Jackson was confused. "What do you mean? You wake me up every morning with a hug and a kiss and never fail to notice when I'm upset. If anything, you deserve better than me." Jackson ran his fingers through Mark's hair a few times, hoping to ease any worry that he might have.

"I guess all I meant to say is that I don't tell you enough how much I love you-and I love you a lot. You make me-"

*DING* Mark's cupcakes were not hesitant to interrupt the outpour of love.

"Jackson, I'll be right back. Just keep some room for me on the couch, alright?" Mark sniffled, about to get up.

"No, no I'll come with you" Jackson insisted as he clinged onto Mark's tiny waist, with their blanket trailing behind them.

"You're too cute." Mark couldn't help but giggle at the way Jackson was holding on-one arm around Mark's waist and the other making sure the blanket didn't fall off. To add on to the scene, Jackson had a strange expression on his face-his lips were excited for the cupcakes, his eyes were in love with Mark, and his eyebrows relaxed in exhaustion.

As they approached the kitchen, Mark practically had to pry Jackson off just so he could pull the cupcakes out of the oven.

" Those smell soooooo gooooooood" Jackson's mouth started to water from the sweet smell of Mark's special red velvet cupcakes. Mark took his time getting the cupcakes out just to tease Jackson more. "Are you KIDDING, GET THEM OUT ALREADY" Jackson joked.

"If I do, will you help me frost them?"

"Okay, fine, whatever. Just hurry up ugh"

Mark handed Jackson a makeshift piping bag filled with his special cream cheese frosting. Jackson stared at it, trying to figure out how it works. Mark had already frosted 2 cupcakes when he noticed how stumped Jackson was. "It looks like you need a lil help, don't ya?" Mark giggled. Jackson looked at him, defeated by mere frosting in a plastic bag. Mark wrapped his arms around Jackson, gripping his hands firmly and resting his chin on Jackson's right shoulder. Mark gently guided Jackson's hands around the cupcake producing a perfect swirl. "See what happens when we work together?" Mark whispered as he kissed Jackson on his tender neck.

Jackson quickly spun out of Mark's embrace, and messily kissed him, pushing Mark against the wall. Jackson pinned Mark's wrists on the wall and started kissing his way down to his shoulder. Mark reluctantly pulled away, remembering that the cupcakes were left unattended.

"Aw dang I was hoping you forgot about those" Jackson whined.

"Don't worry, it won't take long," Mark assured "I promise."

"Okay, okay let's hurry up." Jackson conceded. The couple worked quickly and nimbly to frost 2 dozen cupcakes. Half of them were frosted with a perfect swirl and decorative red chocolate in the shape of the Red Velvet logo. The other half was frosted a little messily. It was obvious who had frosted which cupcakes.

As Jackson was finishing his final cupcake, Mark showed Jackson how he put a cute twist on the cupcake. "See, I put the Red Velvet logo on it because you said 'red velvet cupcakes'" Mark laughed nervously.

"Oh my god you are precious. I love you so much" Jackson couldn't help but laugh as he mussed up Mark's hair.

"Great! Glad you like it!" Mark had a mischievous grin on his face which concerned Jackson. But by the time Jackson got the chance to do or say anything, Mark had smashed the cupcake on Jackson's new black tank top. "Now what are you going to do?" Mark snickered.

Jackson pulled off his tank in a swift, fluid motion and pinned Mark on the wall once again. "I hate you so much" Jackson murmured as he threw his lips on Mark's.

Jackson pulled away just enough to whisper "that's more like it, hyung."

The huge blanket that they had brought to the kitchen was now spread out on the floor with Jackson on top of Mark. For once, Jackson didn't care about how messy his hair was because he knew he was with the man he loved and wanted to protect for the rest of his life. No words needed to be exchanged between the aroused couple-just looking into each other's eyes, they knew that this relationship was just right. Mark then somehow managed to pull Jackson into their bedroom, eager to see what the night had in store for him and his boyfriend.

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