The begining

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One day Jordan, Ailey, Amanda and Emma were walking down the road when they saw Emma's neighbor walking toward them. They went up to Bri to say hi and she had a cup in her hands. "What's in the cup?" Amanda asked curiously. "It's 5 baby bunnies. Do you guys want them?" "Yes!" They all screamed. "I was just going to put them in the apple field because my dog ate the mom. I didn't want them to eat the babies to." Bri said. They each grabbed a baby and Bri left. "OMG. I can't believe this is happening." Jordan exclaimed. They all carried the bunnies witch were like the size of there palms to Amanda's house. When they got there Amanda's mom did research on wild baby bunnies and went to the store to pick up some stuff for them. While she was gone the girls stayed outside so they didn't scare them. While they were outside they thought of names. Amanda chose Lewis,  Ailey chose Rose,  Ailey's older sister Britney chose Roger,  Jordan chose bandit and Emma chose Jasper.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2015 ⏰

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