one {stephanie}

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I walked down the streets of Toronto in my taffy coloured ugg boots, blue skinny jeans, heavy purple winter jacket and a pink scarf wrapped around my neck, keeping me warm. My pitch black hear was down and straight as snowflakes got tangled up in it but melted quickly. My left hand that was covered my a white glove gripped my suitcase tight as I dragged it behind me and trudged through the snow, leaving lines in the ground. My right hand held a grande hot chocolate from Starbucks that was still too hot to drink. I know, I probably shouldn't have spent that much money on something like Starbucks, especially regarding I'm kinda broke, but it was so cold I was surprised my salty tears weren't freezing to my face in the form of icicles.

You might be wondering why a sixteen going on seventeen year old girl would be willing to run away out on the streets of a city like Toronto. Well the thing is..I wasn't running away. It wasn't my choice to leave. It was my family's.

The Hennigs aren't the most accepting of people at all. And I mean at all. I knew I felt something towards girls since pre-k. My very first real crush was on Beth Martin in like fourth grade. But I had to get over it quickly though, sense she was head over heels for James Best, who I never quite saw the appeal in. Any ways, I'm off topic. Bottom line? I like girls. And it was a thing I had to come to terms with. And I did. But maybe telling my family wasn't exactly the best idea in the world. Huh, you wouldn't believe the fight me and my mom got in when I came out. Freak. Monster. Faggot. Those are names my own mother called me. My mom. Because her daughter came out as a lesbian. Just let that sink in.

"Get out of my house and never come back!"

The cold, harsh words wouldn't stop replaying in my head as I continued my journey. No, scratch that, not a journey. On journeys, you know the destination. Like I had a clue where to go! Like anyone in Toronto would take in a random homeless teenage girl on the streets!

My feet were beginning to ache from all the walking, so I found a nearby bench and sat down. My eyes were still watery from what had went down only forty five minutes ago. I know, Stephanie Hennig. The strong rough girl. Crying. But I mean, how could anyone expect me not to?

My drink was finally cool enough to touch to my lips and tongue, so I took a sip. The chocolate was so sweet and so good, especially with the melting whipped cream and vanilla extract I had put in it. I savoured it. It was probably the only good thing I had right now.

Suddenly, I felt something vibrate on my left butt cheek. I was so confused, until I heard my ringtone, "Umbrella" by Rihanna, about five seconds after. Someone was calling me.

I whipped out my white iPhone 6, with a sparkly purple case. I was praying to see my mother's caller ID, apologizing and asking me to come home. I couldn't exactly call it home anymore though, and it wasn't the place I wanted to be at all. But it was a shelter.

But to my somewhat disappointment, it wasn't my mom. It was someone better though. My best friend since sixth grade, Michelle Diamond. It was comforting to see her calling me. Her and I have been through thick and thin together, and I really did need someone right now. I quickly slid my black nail polished thumb across the "slide to answer" option and pressed my phone to my ear.

"Hey Steph!" She said joyfully with a slight giggle. That giggle made me smile a bit. "So I was wondering if you wanted to do something today? See a movie, go shopp--" She paused. She must have heard my sniffles, for her tone quickly changed from playful to concerned. " everything okay? You're crying.."

She was right. I was.

Considering she already knew, and knew for about two months, I shakily told her what went down. "I-I c-came o-o-out, M-Michelle. I told m-my quote-on-quote family t-that I w-was g-gay a-and--"

She quickly cut me off.

"Stephanie, I'm so proud of you, babe." She told me softly. That soft tone made my stomach twirl. "What happened?"

"W-well.." I continued. "I g-got k-kicked o-out."

I could feel Michelle's pure rage though the phone. "What?! How could they do that to you?!"

I shrugged to myself. "Well, they've n-never been the most a-accepting." I said behind a forced giggle. "B-But I don't have a p-place to stay, now.."

"Well.." Michelle started, you could still feel the anger at my family she was trying to mask, but her voice was more calm and composed. "Considering my parents are on vacation for two weeks, you could stay here if you want. It's lonely anyway, I need someone."

A smile pastured on my face at that offer. "Really? Thanks so much, Mitchie."

I knew it still wasn't ideal, and most likely only temporary, but it was somewhere to sleep. Eat. Bathe. Besides, she was my best friend! It was gonna be like a giant slumber party.

"Not a problem, Steph." I could practically see her smile through the phone, all soft and innocent. "Where are you?"

I looked up to see the street signs over me. "Uh, corner of McDonald Street and Emerald Lane."

"Sweet. I'll be there soon, Steph. See you then." She said sweetly. The line went dead.

A smile plastered on my face as gratefulness took over my every essence. I had a place to stay.

I took another sip of hot chocolate.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2015 ⏰

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