Expressing our deepest feelings within our writings, she discovered his deepest fears and innermost struggles. She felt as if they had been both stripped naked and bared all to each other. Words have never been so binding. His poetry was revealing his biggest fear and it was happening now. Both powerless to stop it, she watched in disbelief as the man she thought she loved, walked towards his own downfall and all because he mistakingly saw what he thought was the power of love
Hidden within his poetry he tried to express himself and always writing as if it was something that happened long ago, she realised he had accepted his demise, there was no future, just a blank canvas.
What is his secret his shame his guilt what did he do and why did she feel the need to know about it. Will this set her free of him.
Her values led her down a path that was not in his direction. As she ran her reasons we're clear but her grief over the loss of her friend was tugging at her shoulder. Learning that her anger could sit beside her love and that her love was as strong as ever infuriated her thoughts. She realised that the task that lay ahead was to kill any love that she felt. Her feelings needed to be addressed and changed but no matter how many times she told herself this liason was over, the connection that bound them and had always bound them became so taught that it was beginning to strangle her. Caught in this triangle her mind was now filled with him. She felt his thoughts, she felt his pain and now she felt his sorrow. With no way to reach him she tried to eliminate him by believing herself that he was dead.