End of Chapter 1

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It's been two weeks since J has been gone and my mom has yet to come down from her high long enough to care.

 "Prencess can we go get J now he can't stay out there!"

 "Girl hush and go in your room before you're the next to leave. I got company coming."

About two hours after her company arrived I heard the front door close and the voices fading down the hall. I fell asleep thinking of my brother. I hoped he was okay. Oh, I forgot to mention to you before just how close me and J was. First off most people thought we was twins, whenever you see me you see him and we look just alike. He was who I went to for advice, I looked up to him. Most importantly he was my protector, the closest thing I'd known to a dad my whole life. He always made sure I ate when we didn't' have enough food for two, which was always since every month Prencess sold all but twenty dollars of our stamps for dope. She'd tell us make it stretch.

A bad feeling woke me up that morning around five. It was getting light outside and I heard the birds flapping in the trees by my window. That was a day I'll never forget, June 14th. I got up to go check on Prencess. In the living room she was laying half way off the air mattress with a torn up bloody t-shirt, two black eyes, and her neck was covered in purple bruises. I shook her to trying to wake her when I noticed her skin was ice cold. I ran to the phone and called 911. They came about an hour later.

 At 6:01 Prencess was pronounced dead on arrival. Turned out she was strangled by the last person that came over last night. By the time I'd found her she'd been dead for at least five hours. A DCFS worker came and took me to something they called respite. The lady said it was like a short placement until the funeral. June 19th at one in the afternoon the state caseworker took me to view her body at a small funeral. I guess she found it strange cause I didn't cry, but I was all out of tears for Prencess. All I had left was China and China was gon make it do what it do. There were only eight people at the so called funeral including me and the caseworker. I wasn't surprised since most of our family had disowned her once we left paw paw's house. After the funeral Ms. Annabellabelle dropped me off at the Whiteriver's Girls Home for teenagers. My past experience with females is the evil glares I get from them hating on me. Hell I can't help it if imma bad bitch and as soon as I walked in the door I could tell this place wouldn't be any different.

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