Chapter One : Moving In

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Author's Note

Hi guys! Hope you guys like this book it's actually based off my life a little bit but I switched things up. Disclaimer this is my first story so please bare with my stupid ass if I mess up. If you guys have any questions or things that you want me to fix to make the story please feel free to let me know! -Mel♡

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Emma's P.O.V.

August 21, 2015
Dear Fuckface,                                   

             I was finally able to convince my parents to let me live with my aunt for my senior year in a small town located in North Carolina. I grew up going their for the summer as a kid and now i'll be able to officially escape the crazy, scary life in Miami that has caused me to be depressed, anxious and anti-social. Talking to hot guys is a lot harder with anxiety already, now try adding to the fact that I was in an all girl school since middle school. Which didn't help at all! Moving is perfect for me to start fresh and show people who I really am and not some popular girl that turned anti-social and depressed. One thing i'll really miss is my room. It's my safe haven I absolutely love it! The best part my bed! Which if I do say so myself are where the best naps happen. Especially on those tired days when you get back from school, yassssss! I may of forgotten to mention but umm I kinda start school in two days... I KNOW KILL ME! and a NORMAL SCHOOL with BOYS!!!! So basically i'm going from elementary school boys that have crushes and you date for two days to horny teenage boys that wanna have sex and just party. Great .... yay me ( note to sarcasm ). Tomorrow first thing in the morning i'm flying up to the place i'll be calling home. Now for the not so fun part.. packing.


August 22, 2015
Dear Fuckface,

               Sleep. I wanna sleep. I need sleep. It's freakin' 3:40 AM! As in the freaking morning! It doesn't help that I was so excited I didn't sleep at all! Even after I had like five thousand billion sleeping pills! So right now i'm basically running on a java chip frappe I bought at the airport, and some ice coffee I had first think when I woke up. I'm currently in the airport waiting for them to call my plane which should board about right now. In the mean while i'm just on Instagram and writing  writing this.

"Gate B13 Miami , Florida to Mount Airy , North Carolina time to board"

I get up from my chair grabbing my stuff gleaming with joy I was practically bouncing with energy. I get to the my flight gate giving the lady the ticket about to get in when my parents stop me before I can go any further.

"Honey we just wanna say we wish you the best and hope your happy. Your mother still things this is a mistake but I know you'll bloom and find yourself. I'll miss you running up to me giving me a hug when I get from work and teaching you things about life.  I'll miss you so much, love you honey"

"Thanks Dada i'll miss you and love you too"

" Te amo mi amor " (I love you my love)

" Love you too mom i'll try calling you everyday you won't regret letting me go bye guys love you❤️"

Has hard as that was I knew I had to be strong for my parents and I. Finally I was seated in my chair, like always I chose the seat next to the window which is my favorite. Thank god no one was sitting next to me or else I'd be so uncomfortable and it'll be just plain ass awkward. Once I settled down I got my headphones and my phone and played my favorite song Fantasy by Alina Baraz. The next thing I knew my eyes were closing and the world start to become a blur.


"Thank you for flying with Avianca hope you fly with us again"

Still kinda sleepy I get up and lazily pull my headphones out and try to stretch. Key word try. Kinda hard to stretch when theirs five thousand people stomping over you. After the herd of sheep as I call them pass by I grab my suitcases and plugged my headphones in ignoring the world hoping it'll calm down my nerves. I get my phone out and text my aunt

" Just landed I'll meet you at gate A3 see ya!"

"Okie dokie see ya kiddo"

Exploding with nervousness because not only is it official but just walking in the airport with complete strangers really freaks me out and makes me uncomfortable. So I decide to take my headphones out and breathe in and out ready to start my new life. I see her white hair from a distance and a smile pops up in my face.

"Aunt Ann!"

"Emma! Honey Welcome to Mount Airy!"

At that moment I new my life would never be the same again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2015 ⏰

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