Chapter 1 - Romance Blossoms For Sarah As Roger The Dodger Is Arrested

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A Sense Of Guilt - Chapter 1 - Romance Blossoms For Sarah As Roger The Dodger Is Arrested

We all use computers every day and not just for working purposes but to aid our lifestyles with buying things online.

Sometimes we might even find romance through the Internet but these days anything is possible with due caution.

One such individual who liked using the computer every day on her lunch break was Sarah,a young mild mannered employee who worked for a haulage company in Sheffield South Yorkshire.

In her lunch break she often used her PC for personal use even though it was forbidden by her bosses.

She had long wished to leave the company and move abroad like half a million or so Brits did every year.

Most of these people were either starting a new life in the Americas,Australasia or Spain, she wanted to live in the latter.

She had started writing to this young man called Cris who lived in the sunny and popular seaside resort of Benidorm on the Costa Del Sol.

Apparently one of her friends had dated a Spanish student who was studying at Sheffield university,she had got engaged to him and was now planning their new life and subsequent wedding together.

It had been a real eye opener to Sarah because at her time of life most women were having their second or third child.

She had recently relocated back to Sheffield from her job in York and was now working temporarily at a local firm this was to cover staff shortages and the company was owned by her current employer.

The secondment in York had lasted 3 months and although she had commuted from her home town of Sheffield.

She quite missed York with it's beautiful medieval streets and roman city walls not to mention the wonderful Minster which was one of the finest built cathedrals in northern Europe.

Just then her boss walked in as she was quickly about to send an e-mail to Cris her new boyfriend.
Haven't you got any work to be getting on with Sarah?", he sharply enquired.

"No just these spread sheets and the system seems to be playing up again can you sort it out sir?",she said.

Her boss Roger was a short little man with what you would call a third eyebrow if his insignificant moustache was anything to go by along with his little squinty eyes which were hidden behind his very small spectacles.

He ignored her enquiry and just slammed the door probably in response to her smart observation, he wasn't a technical man and most of the software was handled by a company called "".

They never came to repair systems on the same day you needed their help, one would have to make an appointment and if you were lucky they might visit you within the week.

Any way the day was moving on quickly and it was almost time for clocking off, Sarah quickly grabbed her coat locked the Portacabin door where she worked and got in to her awaiting Polo VW car.

She was making her way to Crosspool where she would call in on her mother who was elderly and depended heavily on her for weekly essentials.

But before all of that she simply had to light up as she was gasping for a cigarette.

Her doctor had warned her of the consequences of smoking 20 a day and the affects also of her obese condition with all the cream cakes she was tucking away.

Her lack of exercise was not good for a woman who suffered with constant anxiety and depression.

Any way she soon finished her cigarette just before she entered the house.

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