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It was still early in the moring, and almost everyone of the team was already up. It was the preparationperiod of the Football Frontier International, and Midorikawa was still sound asleep. Suddenly the door flew open, showing Hiroto in the doorway.

'Wake up!' he shouted, waking Midorikawa.

'Ah? Hiroto? Hmmmm 5 minutes okay?' he mumbled and turned around in his bed, to continue sleeping.

'Wake up! We're gonna start practice!' Hiroto said, being slightly angry with his friend.

'I know, I know.' Midorikawa said.'How boring...'

'Boring?' Hiroto asked.

'Yeah! Everyday it's the same all over again! We wake up, eat breakfast, train, eat lunch, train and eat dinner! And that's all we do! It's starting to get boring!' Midorikawa said. Hiroto was suprised hearing this, since his friend was always busy with training, hoping not to loose his spot in the team.

'It's boring! Nothing special happens! I want something suprising to happen for once!' Midorikawa said.

'A suprise?' Hiroto asked.

'Yes! Something that doesn't happen often!' Midorikawa explained.

'So you want a suprise?' Hiroto said.

'Well, yes!' Midorikawa said. Suddenly Hiroto stepped forward and kissed Midorikawa, leaving him confused. After a few seconds Hiroto broke the kiss and said:

'Here, you got your suprise, now get dressed and come downstairs to have breakfast!' he said. He stood up and left the room, leaving the door open. Midorikawa just sat on his bed, not knowing what happened in the past few minutes...

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