In My Spot

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Outside my farm there's this meadow

I can see it straight out my window

One girl sits there every day

I know that I need to let her stay

she talks to the trees

But sometimes it's the birds and bees

Most of the time it's heaven above

When she comes she has this glove

I hear her say that it was mothers

She must have been quite a lover

She mostly talks for hours and hours

A lot of the time she brings flowers

This little girl looks no older than 7

But I know she doesn't quite understand heaven

She thinks that her mother will return

But heavens rules are very stern

God chooses very wisely

He needs the ones that are kindly

He says the best ones are gone first

Tries to explain its not a curse

They will watch over you every second

If you think not you must be reckoned

Anyways back to this little girl

Her hair is full of bouncy curls

Auburn actually is the colour

Of her bouncy hair and little freckles

It's getting dark and time to go

She makes one last prayer , I listen close

' mommy I love you and miss you so

I'm very upset you had to go

But I know that god takes the best

And always leaves us with the rest

Just remember that today is the day

4 years ago , you flew away

Mommy I love you more than life

I want you to have this knife

I know it's strange but I remember

From a few Decembers

We cut the pie

Into five

One for mommy daddy Charles kaity and I

I know in heaven they don't have phones

But I hear you call me , when I'm alone

Have a good night ill see you tomorrow

Hopefully with much less sorrow

Bye mommy but not forever

Just remember to never say never '

By the end of the poem I started to cry

I saw so much pain in her little eye

But tomorrow brings another day

For now the little girl is on her way

I see her leave and clear her spot

Where she once sat , in my spot

~ indestructible

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