Already Gone

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The rain pounded on this dark rainy night. The cold drops hit the ground hard with a 'that,that,that' remedy.

Nobody sane would be out here, it's cold, it's raining, it's dark, it's in the woods.

But amongst these woods, you could find a hedgehog running through them quickly.

The hedgehog was pink, and tears bonded with the rain as she ran. She was just running, nonstop.

Then she tripped on a thick log, and she screamed, but no one heard her.


She broke into a whisper,"You think your so cool, and better than everyone, well-I-"

She sobbed, "I'm so over it!"

Her green eyes traveled to her waist, which was bleeding from impact with a rock, which was still stuck in her side.

"GAH!!" She held it, and slowly pulled out the rock.


While she screamed out curses and her revelations about the Sonic Team, she didn't notice an approaching figure.

"Are you alright?" The pink one spun around to see a bioracial(1) female who looked very concerned.

"Um, yeah. Who are you?" The pink one whispered, embarrassed.

"I'm Ahmiah, are you sure you're ok, that wound is bleeding pretty quickly..."

Ahmiah walked to the pink hedgehog slowly and knelt down beside her.

"I'm Amy, and no, I'm not sure, it really hurts."

She flinched when Ahmiah touched it.

"Amy, like Amy Rose, Sonic Team?" Amy flinched again, but not because of the wound, and responded,"Not anymore..."

Ahmiah, feeling as if she touched an emotional topic, just asked,"Do you have a place?"

Amy blushed and looked down.

"I take that as a no. Well, you're not being left out here all alone, not on my watch. We'll go to my home."

Amy sighed and took Ahmiah's hand which she's stuck out.

Ahmiah helped Amy to her house which apparently wasn't far away from where they were.

It was a big house. About 4 stories high, it was the biggest house Any has ever seen.

They entered and Ahmiah left Amy by herself on the couch to go get something.

                   ~Amy's POV~
This is a beautiful house. I can't help but look around.

As I looked, I saw many pictures on a shelf in the upper right corner of the room, but one caught my eye.

It had Ahmiah and another human boy in it. He had black hair with thin red streaks in it. He was-


I jumped and she looked at me suspiciously, as if she had caught me doing something I shouldn't be.

"What were you doing?"

I replied quickly,"Nothin' much, looking around?"

She still looked suspicious, but sat beside me and sat down some big and small bandages, and disinfectant spray.

"This WILL hurt.Let's get it over with." Ahmiah quickly sprayed the disinfectant spray on my wound.

It really DID hurt.

Then she patched it with on of the biggest band aids she had.

When finished, she went straight into interrogative mode.

"Why were you in the woods alone?"

I sighed, "My ex-friends."

"What did they do?"

"Mean stuff."


She really isn't gonna leave me alone until I tell her? Oh well.

"Ok, here's what happened," I went into flashback mode.

"I was on a mission with Sonic and the team. Eggman had stolen a Chaos Emerald from us.

They didn't want me to come, as always, "I'm too delicate" or "We don't want you getting hurt" is what they always said.

So, I snuck behind them, because I wanted to go. I wanted to be useful, and show them I can, I am capable of doing "hero" things..."

My eyes teared up.

"But for me, it never works out.

I was there, with them when they found Eggman. I jumped out and fought Eggman. He just pushed me and he actually got away.

They blamed it on me, 3 days of hard work, all to waste because of me, because I'm not enough... I'm no hero."

I cried. Ahmiah smiled, "Amy, would you like to join the G.L.B.G.?"

I was utterly confused, "The what now?"

"Gorgeous League of Bad Girls. You can think about it, if it is so hard to be a hero, how easy is it to be a villain?"

When I went to bed that night in Ahmiah's nice home, I made a decision that would change my life forever, unknownst to me.

(1)-bioracial-black and white, a mix of two different races. In this case, Ahmiah is the mix of a black Dad and white Mother.

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