CH. 1

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Chapter One

The front door flew open and the unexpected kiss came in swift and functional, just brushing Vicki's cheek. As Leah retreated, Vicki couldn't help but breath in her sister's familiar odour of expensive perfume and cheap wine.

"Welcome to the joys of parenthood, baby sis." Sarcasm dripped from every slurred word. Leah's lips crept into a smug smile as she raised her half empty wine glass to Vicki in a toast. "So, who's the lucky fellow?"

Vicki glared angrily at her older sister who stood in her usual arrogant pose, empty hand on hip. Her lucky suit, the favourite for the courtroom for as long as Vicki could remember, strained at the seams to accommodate Leah's slowly expanding figure. Three children, work and nearing the big four-O will do that to you, or so Leah would tell Vicki whenever the subject arose, but it was always in Vicki's best interests to never mention the increased alcohol intake.

Vicki shook her head and looked at her watch. "For Christ's sake Leah, it's only eleven in the morning and you're half gone already."

"It's a party Vicki." enthused Leah, waving her glass around to emphasise her point and spilling most of its contents to the floor. "I think they call it a baby shower."

A flash of genuine confusion crossed Leah's face as she tried to remember if any of her three pregnancies had ever been welcomed in this way.

Vicki leaned in as close as she could take her sister's acridity, "I thought I told you to keep this quiet?"

"Oh come on." Leah pouted, "Don't be such a sourpuss. It's not everyday my baby sis brings a bundle of joy into the world."

Leah grabbed Vicki's arm and dragged her into the hallway, deftly twirling on one foot and kicking the door closed with the other. Leah linked arms with her sister and marched her toward the lounge. The myriad of grinning children's photographs watched their every step. Vicki had always hated this part of her sister's house, having to run the 'gauntlet of glares', as she called it, gave her the creeps.

Leah's excitement seemed to grow with every step. By the time they reached the door to the lounge she was about ready to burst.

"Ready?" Leah blurted.

Vicki reluctantly nodded, expecting when the door was flung open it would reveal a swathe of people, that Vicki barely knew, all shouting "Surprise." The door was indeed flung open by Leah, but there was no crowd of strange faces and just the meekest of "Surprise's" from Leah's husband, Alex, and Leah's three kids as they unenthusiastically popped out from their hiding place behind the sofa. Only the pretty blond six year old, Lauren, managed those few extra excitable jumps up and down. Vicki managed a smile, more out of relief at the absence of people, and gave a small wave.

"Thank you." Vicki mumbled as she could feel the warmth start to spread in her reddening cheeks.

Leah squealed and clapped excitedly before ushering Vicki into the room. Vicki sat in the nearest available chair and watched the four awkward figures standing behind the couch trying to decide how long they had to stand on ceremony. Anthony, a thin and sickly looking thirteen year old, spoke out first.

"Can we go now please?"

Anthony always had looked the odd one out of the children, as he looked like neither Alex or Leah. Bradley, his ten year old brother, was tall and built just like his father and Lauren was often compared to pictures of Leah as a child. Vicki had often wondered in recent years, if her sister had flirted with an office fling all that time ago, as Leah's do anything to get what she wants attitude had always been evident as a child. Vicki though, had never been brave enough to voice her suspicions. Leah appeared in the kitchen doorway.

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