Chapter 1

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Dean's Pov

June 25 1997

When Dean was a teenager they spent a lot of time in Mystic Falls, Virginia. Because they were a lot of vampires there and had had a lot of other supernatural creatures.

Even though Dean wanted his mother alive,because he wanted a normal live and wanted his mother to take care of him,on the other hand he loved being a hero ,he loved saving people who couldn't defend themeselves against the evil but mostly he wanted it to tell stories to Elena.

See, she was five the first time they met, he was thirteen, and his dad had dragged him to this god-awful barbecue at the town, full of the cheerful and friendly people.So I have been skulking behind a tree in the backyard, tired of Sam's complainig, and desperate to get away from the people,when this tiny thing fell out of the tree and literally landed in his lap.

Saying he was shocked was like saying the sky was blue. Obviously. She was like a fallen angel actually no she was an angel. She was momentarily stunned to have landed on someone but seemed to get over it pretty quickly. She grinned, revealing her missing two front teeth and said, "Hi! I'm Elena."

Shocked, he responded, "uh, hey angel, I'm Dean." The little thing had just giggled at him and hopped out of his lap, brushing leaves out of her messy curls before flashing him another disarming grin.

"You wanna play with me, Dean?" she asked sweetly.

And that was that, she'd owned him ever since.

It was the strangest friendship; he was eight years older than her and he was the biggest player and a jerk around Mystic Falls, while she was the good girl and sweeter than sweet (how could that be possible). Nevertheless, she loved him and everyone knew he was wrapped around her tiny finger.

Elena had a little brother too his name was Jeremy,and a lot of friends like Caroline(Barbie) Bonnie(Wierdo) Tyler (actually bigger jerk than me but he was loved because he was the child of the mayor) and Matt(the Goodie but NO Personality).But he only hangs out with them because of the dearest Elena.

He put up with all the other monsters because Elena loved them all so much, and as long as he got to spend time with his favorite girl, he could deal with them.

But five-year-olds don't stay five, and before he knew it she was six and seven and then eight. He was sixteen, and probably too old to hang out with little girls but whatever, Elena wasn't like any other eight-year-old he knew, and he knew a lot (if you counted Elena's friends, that is. Which he did).

Elena was smart as hell, more than smart she was wise. She was fearless because when I told her the stories she wasn't afraid like others.Mostly he loved her because she was Elena.

Everytime when I left for a hunting trip,Elena always knew how to make me strong and have faith,she believed in me and that's what I wanted from her,because she was my everything probably the first girl I ever loved.He loved being loved by Elena.

But not too long after his sixteenth birthday, the Winchesters left Mystic Falls for a hunt, he didn't care about Mystic Falls and all the people there he only cared for Elena,he was mad to himself for not even saying goodbye to his epic love.

He was depressed the only he could think was for Elena to be happy ,and someday he will return to her and confess his love to her.

And he did, one dark night on Wickery Bridge, but he should that what he left wouldn't be the same Elena and he should know what they say 'little doesn't stay little'.

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