Chapter one: Don't be afraid of the storm

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Hey guys it's me, Tmntgirl! Now I know I've strictly been writing about Lab rats, but this time I'm trying something new. And besides, I've always had these crazy ideas for un-bionic related stories, but I've never gone through with them. So this time, instead of thinking about it, I'm actually doing something about it. Hope you wits academy fans like it. ON WITH THE STORY!!! (Oh yeah, that's still happening baby😏😏)!

Emily Prescott was NOT okay. Who would be if they were hiding under their sheets awaiting a horrid thing that they knew would soon occur? Emily shakes as she tries to think of better thoughts instead of the noise that would soon creep it's way into her dorm room. She peaks over the covers of her bunk bed to sneak a glance at her roommates. They're all sleeping soundly, and she can't understand why. Aren't they even a tiny bit bothered by the- a flash engulfing the room interrupts her previous thoughts. "Oh no," she thinks, as she's about to cover her ears; but it's too late.

A loud booming sound travels through the whole entire academy as she would assume. Emily fights back a scream of fear trying to escape her throat, as she clutched her sheets tighter (if that was even possible) and tries to ignore the fact that the room was obviously shaking. Then again, so was she. Emily takes in deep breaths and tries to calm herself as her chest heavily heaves up and down at an irregular pace. She starts to calm her breathing when her heart beat starts to slow down at its normal pace. A rumbling sound from the outside replaces the what seemed to be the everlasting boom. But Emily is wise enough to know that it won't last long. Not long enough to give her enough time to fall into slumber. By now you may have guessed what's got her so riled up:

Emily is indeed afraid of thunderstorms.

Now for her, this is completely abnormal. We're talking about Emily Prescott for Christ's sake! A born leader, full of confidence and wisdom, never surrenders without a fight- not to anyone but the eye of the storm. Everything about thunderstorms scares Emily. The way it makes the room shake. The booming sound it makes, especially. The Lightning sort of scares her too, because it tells her the thunder is near. It is helpful in a way, but not helpful enough. The only lightning she'll ever be comfortable seeing is her brother's, Ethan. Speaking of her twin, that's exactly who she needs right now.

He's always had her back and has been there to comfort her. Always. No matter what. She could always use earplugs to block out the noise, but they're awfully uncomfortable to sleep and deal with. Besides, Ethan is much more-... Distracting. Distracting from the terrible beast outside the building. Yes, she needs her brother. And she will get to him- as soon as she finds the courage to step out of her bed. Because another booming of thunder greeted her again. And Emily is now back to cowering under her sheets. This is gonna be a loooong night.


Meanwhile, in the boy's dorm room, a very frustrated-looking Ethan had given up on trying to fall asleep. He was currently sitting upright in his bed with his hands on his ears, trying to block out the sounds of fm both the annoying thunder that won't shut the hell up, and the very annoying snores of his roommates that just. Won't. Quit. Yep. That's right. They ALL snore. It's pretty much unbelievable. They don't snore loudly (except for Ben, who snores like the sound of sawed wood. Literally), but all of them snoring together PLUS the thunder, made a pretty loud sound. And this lightning was no better either. Like, could it stop flashing in his face for TWO WHOLE SECONDS so he could get some SLEEP?!? Jeez.....

Scowling, Ethan takes his pillow and repeatedly smashes it in his face. "It's proven; the only lightning I will EVER be used to, is my magic," he thinks to himself. Scowling, Ethan squishes the pillow to his right ear while simultaneously smashing the left side of his head into his bed, in hopes of it blocking out the sounds. But sure enough, the goddamn lightning comes and then the thunder following close behind. Growling in exasperation, Ethan tosses the pillow away and clutches his hair. "When will it end?" He says to himself.

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