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Y/n's POV:

'I screwed up. I screwed up really bad. I need to fix this.'

I chase after mori only to be ignored.

"Look I'm really sorry mori. I didn't mean for you to be hurt. I need you to know that I am sorry. Even tho you might not even care I do! Mori, I am sorry!" I scream at him shaking his shoulders back and forth. He just sits there silent.

"Please Mori! Listen! I-I love you! And I'm really sorry that I hurt your feelings! You don't have to believe me but I need you to know I am telling the truth! The truth that I love you and the truth that I'm sorry! And the truth that-that..." he pulls me into a kiss before I can respond he pulls away.

"I know your telling the truth. You don't need to tell me that." He says with a strait tone. I keep crying in his neck and I feel like a mess. I cry and cry and cry until I cry myself to sleep. "I'm sorry Takashi." I whisper before I fall asleep.

Time skip (next day)

I slowly open my eyes to find my house outlined like in an anime. Ughhhhhhhhhh not again. I just got back home! Why now! Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuhhhhh! Might as well look for the host club.

I walk down the stairs into the kitchen and take an apple and search the house for any extra 'characters'. No one. Okay...... I guess I should check out side.

Okay no one in the pool. Or tent. Maybe someone's in the garden. As I walk toward the garden full of flowers and plants I hear a small giggle. Honey.

"Honey? Where are you?!" I call out trying to find him.
"Over here!" He yells throwing his hands in the air from under the forest of flowers.
"Hey honey! What happened last night? Why are we back here?" I say shooting him down with all my questions. I smiles brightly.
"Weeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllll, when you left to go help Takashi me and kona-chan fell asleep after we ate everything on the table of yummy treats! And than this morning kona-chan said she'll go look for everyone cuz they were missing as well. And than she never came back so I decided to come outside and look for her." Honey exclaims extremely fast.

"Okayyy. .. anyways. Did you find them?"



"I have a question y/n."


"Who was that boy you were talking to yesterday?"


"Yea. Yea him. Who is he?"

"He's a guy that's in my class.... "


"My ex boyfriend."

"What he was your ex boy-"

"Boyfriend? Yes I was her ex boyfriend." A voice says coming from behind us.

"Speaking of the devil, what the hell are you doing here Jacob? !"I shout at him moving away from him.

"Well I woke up this morning and found my self in your bed."

"Wtf Jacob how'd you get in my house in the first place!!!!!!!!????" I yell at him flailing my arms around like a spazing octopus.

"I don't know the last thing I remember is I was watching soul eater at home in my boxers and than bam I end up here fully clothed! Who's clothes are these anyways!!!!????" I giggle a little by his lack of knowledge. "Um where is here exactly?" He asks putting his arm on my shoulder.

"Were in Ouran high school host club." I say plainly

"Like the anime?"



"UM EXCUSE ME I'M STILL HERE YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!" honey yells pulling me away from Jacob. "And who are you?" Jacob asked obviously ticked off by the sudden actions. "Mitskuni Haninosuka!" Honey yells back. "Well then Mitskuni back off! Y/n's mine!" Jacob yells I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Not anymore Jacob we broke up. Remember. So I'm not yours nor am I his. I'm mine and mine only I'm not owned nor cam I be. I'm free and freedom is me." I say being cheesy as always.

Sorry guys for the wait hope you had a good thanks giving weekend (in canada) baiiiiiiiiiiiii

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