Girl Online On Tour Guest Blog Post

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Hi everyone from the Internet world! I'm Bella, Noah's younger sister.

Princess Autumn, A.K.A Penny, wasn't able to blog today so, Princess Rock Star is taking over, and I'm sure you're all very excited.

I wanted to blog about how happy Penny makes me, and how I think it's amazing that she's also helping all of you. I'm sure she makes you happy as well.

Noah insisted that he should be the one to blog to give an update on what's happening, but I disagreed. I want to talk to you, because in a way we're very similar. Penny helps us and in return we try to help her the best we can.

One time, when Penny and I shared a room, she was feeling quite sad, so I told her that every time she's sad she should think of three happy things to chase the sad thing away. She went on to say the three happy things, and I think it really helped. That made me very happy.

Before Penny had showed up, Noah was kind of distant and mad, but when he met Penny, he seemed much happier. Which, in turn, made me much happier.

I was glad I could cheer up the person who cheered up my whole family.

Noah has read some of Penny's past blog posts to me along with some of your replies. How much Penny has helped you is amazing! I hope she continues to help you so we can still be best friends.

Because best friends exist when they have something, like this, in common with each other. And if you ever need any help just comment asking Girl Online, and she could always ask me too. Penny and I could give you guys advise together. It'd be great. So, please don't be scared to comment.

As your best friend, I'm always here to help. :)

In return I won't be scared to ask Penny to ask you for advice. Like if I start having nightmares about alien pigs, I'm sure you'll know what to do.

Penny, me, and all of you are the ultimate team of happiness.

And remember three happy things will chase away the sad thing. And best friends are always here to help and give great advice.

Lots of Love, Princess Rock Star :)

P.s. This is actually Noah typing this, because Princess Rock Star is too excited to type, as she puts it.

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