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Sirius A/ Esarax/ 8,3 lightyears from Earth B3 0008 AI h?Min.?

Suddenly a man comes amid a flash of light. Bewildered, about to throw up, he falls to his knees. -Athi, I need a atmospheric pressure report, quickly, please.-The atmospheric pressure is: 1 atm, 21° C temperature, atmospheric composition is 0.39% carbon 78.09 % nitrogen, 20.95 % oxygen...-It is breathable?-Yes.Without thinking twice, he retracts his helmet and vomited violently.- My analysis does not indicate any organic disease agent, if this is of interest to you...- Ughhhhahhhh, shut up... Ughh!! After a few minutes, he reassembles and looks around. He notes that the stars in this strange sky are unfamiliar to him, nor the place of his miraculous appearance under a meager sky of a reddish-orange color, like twilight on Earth. He asks himself where he had gotten. The structures around as if they sparkle and gold, although far from each other, it can be noted a pattern, as if they all serve a unique purpose. After a few seconds examined the strange place where he is, realizes that all structures form a circle and to his amazement, they seem to be perfectly aligned with its position. - Where are we, Athi? What place is this?One moment acquiring data ... accessing stellar coordinates from exo-suit... although this is not a known planet in the galactic map of the Star Alliance , we believe we are on the third planet known star in your world as Sirius A.- Sirius? How far we are from Earth? - 8.3 Lightyears, sir. -Any idea how we got here?- There is a probability of 97 % that we have been teleported by any existing technology still unknown on the Aware planet. My theory is that this technology is based on mirror - particles...While his A.I. explains his mirror theory, it wanders. " How could there be? ". He thinks he should be dead because nothing in the universe could have saved him, " unless something or anything to intervene." What, for him, it was obviously what happened. - Sir? Analysis of your neural data, suggests a 72% chance of you not paying attention to my explanation. Moreover, you should look at the ground and on your left. He turns and sees a bright line on the ground. It was not there before, and he's sure that, as well observed enough everything around so if recovered from his sudden malaise . The conscious act of observing everything around them was now part of his inquisitive nature and vigilant. His training had molded him that way. His battles infused him these vital characteristics that he had mastered. The mere idea that he had not watched it is a very serious offense, but he knew he was sure that "damn" blue line that glittered was not there before.The line pointed directly to a structure that was more or less a kilometer away. Although he observed those structures before, only now he notice that everything is so uniform that there is no dust anywhere, there is nothing clashing of the clear metallic gray that seems to cover everything around. The air has a strange smell, an old smell, which for him is like being in a cemetery ... a cemetery where you're not sure if the dead are really dead ...- Sir, my analysis suggests that this line is a markup... - It's an invitation! Athi, be quiet, okay ? I have a bad feeling about it and I have to think.- But, sir, our situation requires...- NOT NOW, Athi !He and artificial intelligence he calls for Athi never understood much. Right of way, he think falsely mechanics, because he always thought of her as a person, human annoyingly at the wrong times . Although behind its tone humanly artificialized it is a machine , he still believes that it has a soul, even if is emanating from an extremely sophisticated chip. Apparently, her irritation with her is mere and sheer implication , since he does not like the way she hides her own humanity. -Roger that. Going into silent mode, thank you for your attention. For him, the condescension of Athi is even more annoying, so he replies in the same condescending tone, though hopeful that it accepted his challenge.- You are welcome. I thank to him for your astute observations without which I would probably be a dead man ... -The machine simply does not respond to his teasing. The place gave him a strange feeling, as if there emanated an energy lull and although nothing moves plus a few clouds in the alien sky that singular place , he had the distinct impression that everything around him was aware that he was there. The bright line on the floor, only served to confirm his feeling. After checking their weaponry and their defense systems, he begin to follow the brilliant blue line. After a few minutes of walking, he finally reaches farther structure which was few meters outside the circle of symmetrical structures.The structure is significantly smaller than the others, but it is nonetheless still gigantic. Its rounded pyramid shape is impressive. Their surfaces are completely smooth, resembling something like the sails of an ancient ship being blown from the inside out.The blue line ends in what looks like a door, in the center of it there is a small bright blue circle, being slightly larger than a flat hand. Intuitively, it reaches out and touches the circle, but to his surprise, nothing happens.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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