Sharper Than Knife

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"Bare with my typos and grammar. I'm not good in writing "poems". Informal poem as we call it though errrr like it's not a poem at all" Thankie ^___^V

"Sharper Than Knife"

I once had an empty heart, a useless organ in which you filled with so much happiness and love.

But fate just seem to not agree,
Fate must have known our love was not meant to be!?.

"You've been my disappoinment" as I say,
You turned into everything you said you'd never be. Or was it just a part of you that you kept hiding?

Oh how your love was so pure, so pure for your oh so sweet-melt hearting words.
You love me. And I felt it though we're distant.
But you conveyed words that shattered my heart.

You broke me and left a mark on my heart.
"I'm breaking up with you, I'm tired of everything. Tired of you bein' jealous, being so strict and all.
Why on earth that I love you? Your attitude is worst than I thought so I'm breaking up with you"

Those words hit me, making my heart feel like dying.
Your words are sharper than a knife. Instantly digging to my heart's core and left me shattered. Oh God please help!

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