Sebastian x demon!reader pt 1

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OK so this is my second story

My name is (y/n) and I work at the phantomhive manor but I'm not just a simple maid no I'm a Demon. I work along side with Sebastian Michaelis and I know he's not just a normal butler no no he's like me a Demon as well but none of the other servents know that about me and him. But any way I bet you want to know how I got this job well I will tell you.
-le flash back-
I was looking for a manor that I could work as a maid when I over heard a conversion from a bluenett talking to one of his servents
'Sebastian we need a new maid in the manor.' 'Yes my lord it seems as we do need a new one I will get right to it.' This is my chance to find work as a maid I will take a look of what he put up. As I'm walking to look at it I bump in to said bluenett and his butler. 'Oh I'm so sorry sir.' He just gave a look of anger but his butler was looking at me in a funny way but I just brushed it off. I didn't look back but I help the young boy up. 'I'm very sorry again have a nice day you two. As I was walking away I could feel the butler eyes on me but just shrugged it off I went to look at the thing the butler looked at it and says it needs a maid to help with cleaning and cooking but is required to stay in the servents households. Don't seem like a bad job I will go there Tomorrow.
-next day brought to you by cats!-
I arrived at the phantomhive manor and walk up to the door and knocked. 'Yes may I help you ?' I came on the request for the new maid job for a lord phantomhive.' 'Ah yes come in miss' he moved aside for me to get in. As I'm going to pick my bag up he stops me 'let me get that for you.' I went inside but I stop and get feeling. What he's a Demon like me its not possible this can't be happening!. I think to myself till I'm shaken.' Are you okay madam ? It looks like you've seen a ghost' I'm asked by the butler 'no I'm quite all rights just surprised how big the manor is that's all.' I say sweetly and smile. 'Right u will take you to the young master follow me please and my name is Sebastian Michaelis it nice to meet you if you will.' As we are walking I see other servents talking them they see me and two blush but the girl with red hair waves and smile I do the same back she have red hair and glasses one of the boys is wearing a chef uniform on and a boy with a straw hat around his neck resting on his back. 'Come on keep up don't want to keep the young master waiting do we now?' I shake my head as a no and we keep walking till we arrive at a door. Sebastian knock and says ' young master we have someone who would like the job of the new maid. We hear a faint come in and ..............................................................................................................................
There you go guys the first part of this if you want me to do any other anime one shots just comment and I will try so thanks for reading and see you next chapter buh bye.

Also the story line is mine but i dont own the characters or you


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