Lollipops and bananas... WAIT WHAT?

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(y/n) = Your name

(e/c) = Your eye color

(h/c) = Your hair color

(h/l) = Your hair length

Ponies, ponies, ponies. That's what you could see in front of you since the very moment you opened your eyes after a long night of sleep. These ponies had gathered around you and seemed to be curious. What made you confused was that they could talk.

"What is that?"

"Who are you?"

"Oh my goodness!"

"Everypony, calm down!"

The crowd would turn around to gaze on a pony with wings and a horn. A unicorn... Pegasus? Pegacorn... What?!

"I know you are wondering why there is a human here." The purple winged unicorn exclaimed.

Some gasped and even growled.

"But don't worry, I'll make sure to lead the human someplace else!" The purple pony would say and flew to you, but gave also some extra space.

The other ponies sighed in relief and returned to their jobs and other things that they were doing before you came.

"Hello! My name is Twilight Sparkle! Sorry for the mess, but I hope we can solve this situation you're in." Twilight said with a warm smile and reached out her hoof to you.

You slowly rose your arm to grab the mare's hoof and slightly shake it.

"Hi... My name is (y/n). Yes, I have no idea of how I got into this place. Although, it looks nice." You said and looked around.

"I like how connected the citizens are with the animals, because in my world, we aren't exactly having the same bond between each other."

"I'm glad that you do, (y/n). I must say, I really love your (h/c) hair!" Twilight said and would now flap her wings.

"Thanks, I guess. So, what are we going to do?" You asked, since you had no idea of where you were supposed to go.

"Well, you could either come with me and arrive at your home immediately or you can take a closer look on Ponyville. It doesn't really matter to me, but I would have to turn you into a pony if you want to stay here." Twilight sparkle would say and pointed at the town.

You saw the nice village from the distance, but focused on the crystal-like castle behind the houses.

"What is that tall building?" You asked Twilight, who giggled slightly.

"That's my castle! Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm a princess, but I am not so fond of the title. I mean, I want to be treated like everypony else!" Twilight said and shook her head while looking down on the ground.

"I can call you whatever you like, Twilight." You said and smiled softly.

"Then Twilight is fine with me." The purple alicorn would say and gaze on you with a smile.

Suddenly, someone grabbed the both of you from behind and caused you two to shriek in surprise.

"Hello Twilight! Who is your friend here?" A dark and a rather masculine voice said.

You were still scared of what had happened and struggled from whatever held you, but would stop as you noticed Twilight Sparkle's rather annoyed expression.

"Discord, how many times do I have to tell you to not greet others unexpectedly?" The mare said and used magic to get away from the creature's grip.

Discord x female!reader: Chaos and treats (One-shot) [LEMON]Where stories live. Discover now