Chapter 2 | OH NO!

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Hello Stacy we meet again. If you are wondering who is writing to you, it is the creepers. This time we were smarter with our planning and decided to take a more heart crushing approach. We have taken Page, Molly, Dr. Nine-Healer, Madeline, Daemon, and the Dog Guard. Now you are weaker now. You have no doctor to heal your wolves, no one to produce food for your wolves, you have no one to protect the Bark, you have no one to get more materials for your wolves and you know what I mean. Everything that once was very important to DogCraft is gone. We are attacking now. Good Luck without your wolves' strength.

Suddenly redstone was clicking, for no reason. Stacy rarely created redstone creations so it was "WAIT NO IT IS A TRAP" suddenly Stacy said. She acted fast and sprinted to the basement steps to get to her wolves bedroom. 'Tick" Stacy arrived at the steps to the basement. "Tick" Stacy ran through the storage room. "Tick" Stacy quickly and briskly went into the wolves' bedroom and commanded them to sit up. "Tick" the wolves slowly ran to the secret door to get to the Bark. "Tick, BOOM". Stacy screamed and quickly shielded her wolves.

When the TNT smoke was down and all that was left was the huge canyon in the ground Stacy awoke from being knocked out. Her wolves were in extreme pain and was one their final two hearts. Stacy realized that this meant war. The creepers had taken Dog the Cat's orange fur into pure darkness and now they had taken many lives. She did not care about her house but the lives the creepers had taken. They had killed Felicity, Stacy's golden zombie, the Squickens Harry Potter and Lizzie .And finally one-half of the Bark's dogs. What was Stacy to do? The creepers had poisoned her wolves and destroyed the storage room where all of her materials were kept. It was hopeless. Not until something out of the blue was present in the ruble of the destruction. A portal with diamond and obsidian border. With sky blue partials emitting from the nether like portal. She knew in her gut that it was important. But she could not bring her wolves on the adventure so damaged. No one could take care of her wolves, she was all alone in the world. Her only solution was to hide her wolves in the vast caves near the Splash Pad. The wolves would be taken to a room hidden from the creepers along with the cats and the surviving Bark dogs. The farm animals would unfourcantly be set free into the wild. The plan was set and she would only have the nearly broken Dog Defender. Her journey was set. But it would not be easy.

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