Chapter One.

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"Can you be any dumber?" I asked Leo, the most annoying boy in the 10th grade.
"I could, but then you couldn't tolerate me, could you?" He giggled.
"I can't already," I pushed him.
He bit his lower lip, as he moved back to his original spot next to me.
"Oh, poor Lilith. She can't tell she has a huge crush on me," He smiled.
I rolled my eyes at that remark.
Crush on him?
"But who can blame her," He continued, "I'm awesome."
I sighed, "Go to class, Noob."
"You didn't deny it," He grinned as he walked to Room 11, also known as Science class.
'Thank God He's gone,' I thought.
I walked to my locker. It was decorated with Neon sticky notes from my Best Friend Clarity.
One read, "Fly Like an Angel, But sparkle like a Unicorn." She was always into fairytale creatures.
"Did I just see you talking to Leo Shangri?" She asked, apparently disgusted with me.
"Not exactly," I replied, grabbing my schedule.
"That's not what it looked like," She contradicted me.
I read over the slot that said first period, Science: Room 11.
"I was just telling the idiot to get lost," I assured her.
"Good," She smiled, "So, What do you have for first period?"
"Crap, Sorry, Lil, I have double blocked English," She cried.
"It's fine, See you," I stopped to do the math, "Third period, History?"
"Yeah," She grinned.
I dare to tell her The Noob is in my class. If I did she would've went on and on about how She HATED Leo. Hey, I hate him too, but there is a limit as to being rude.
"Got to go, Lil," She Said.
"Bye, Clarity," I yelled as I walked down the hall. She replied with something, but I couldn't hear her over the screams of the freshman.
I walked into the science room to see every spot taken, accept for the one Next To Leo.
"Well, Well," He started, "looks like you can't stay away from me."
I completely ignored him, And went on to read the board.
'Oh, Great,' I thought, 'The Only 5-Subject Spiral I have has to be used in Science.'
"Lilith?" Leo's dark brown eyes were starring at me.
"What?" I asked reaching into my black and White backpack.
"Do you mind if I asked you," He was cut off.
"Shush, Children," Mr.Lorce said walking into the classroom, "If you want to talk do it on your own time."
I sighed, 'This is going to be a long class.'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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