Hello! I am Hayley/Eglan, the author of the Rhythm League. I thought I would take the time to introduce the Rhythm Heaven series to readers who may not be all too familiar with it. Although most readers will most likely be fans, I didn't want to risk anything.
Rhythm Heaven is a Rhythm game by Nintendo. There are so far 4 games (5 if you count the arcade version) in the series and, at the time of writing this, only 2 of the games in America. The main goal is to perfect every minigame in each game, which can be very hard (*cough*Rhythm Rally 2*cough*). This story is based around that series. Every character introduced are from a different Rhythm Heaven game.
I will be starting on writing this series very soon, but currently I am very busy with schoolwork and housework (We recently had a room change so we're working on organizing everything currently). I should be able to write at least one chapter by tomorrow, 10/12.
The Rhythm League
FanfictionBarista has been living his whole life at the cafe. He has seen people come, go, and come back. With how many people who are a part of the Rhythm League, Barista has seen many interesting faces over the years, ranging from a professional golf player...