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You, a preteen, adult, or child are trapped in a game named Sword Art Online, dangerously if you are killed you die in real life. What will you do? Will you die? Will you survive? Will you team up with someone and find a way out?

6 players are needed! 3 WILL BE BOYS 3 WILL BE GIRLS. 

Sign up while you can, I will tag a couple people just to get this book boosted!

List of things you need to describe:









Skills: (out of random I will choose one random lucky winner to get Kirito's special skill: TWO HANDED SWORD FIGHTING!)

Special item:

Job (witch, knight, blacksmith, animal trainer, trader):

(If animal trainer) : monster/animal pet:

Area you want to start out in:

(Usernames of actual people)
Person 1: Nerdy

2: Mimi


4: Ender

5: Bipolar

6: Astra


Main area:

This area is full of low level monsters the pyramid in which each level starts off is located here at level 1.
Most beginners try their luck here, and is flooded with many many players. This area is consider neutral territory where no one can be challenged, and no one can die when in the town area.  Little piglets are also located here at lvl 3 ready to fight, and will attack when approached. Lots of food and cheap huts are also here. Most players here are green indicating they have yet to kill anyone.

Chopping Grounds:

Large floods of red and orange players group here, making this area extremely dangerous. It is full of food....if you like friend lava mice. Lava floods in hundred are also here, making this place extremely dangerous to the beginners. If you have a large group of friends, and are medium leveled, this area can make for a good leveling up and treasure collecting space. Rarely any animal trainers come here, though there is a lot of rare and extraordinary monsters here, but mostly lava mice.

Snow fields:

As it implies in the name this area is full of snow, making it a fun relaxing place. There is not much stores for food, clothes, or new weapons so if anything on your breaks you're in for a might ambush of Tree elves, little creatures with menacing pointy teeth and minions of one of the many bosses located in the towers, Santa. Following a glittering path in the snow you will easily find the lvl 70 point in the tower. This area though is not known for many monsters, the woods though are another story. Most players her are a minimum of lvl 35 or below. Animal trainers and Witches flock her by the dozens to examine interesting shrubs, poisons, and animals located in the snowy forests.


Going here it is full of shops and extraordinary foods! Low level and higher level players of all class are located here. It is not pinpointed on which players are mostly green or red, yellow, or orange cause it is all balanced out! Black smiths usually come to this area to pursue careers and gain coins to spend on expensive metals and jewels to make amazing swords! This spot is great for any person looking to stay a night.

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