The Red Head Assassin

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I remember the night was completely black; the full moon was the only light in the night. Then the ring of sirens rang in my ear. Suddenly, I was on the run, racing as fast as my legs could carry me. I was wanted yet again for another murder. Although isn't murdering what an assassin does? Everyone called me the Red Head Assassin. I've been wanted in tons of places, America, Russia, and just about anywhere else that ends up in your mind.

Right now I'm running from the police in the middle of Tokyo, Japan. I've been searching for my little sister, Nori Ayuzawa. I recently got news, that she's here in Tokyo, with her father. I found this out about six weeks ago and she's only going to be here for 7 weeks. I don't have much time before she's gone.

My father and mother split me and my sister up when she was three. I lived with my mom until I was 14. When I was 14 she died. After that I've been living on the streets on my own. I work for an illegal group who assassinates government figures. They decided to call themselves the Blood Hounds. I don't mind being a criminal, because I make hundreds of thousands of dollars each time I assassinate someone. My Katana blades are my assassination weapon of choice, I take them everywhere.

I was sprinting up and down the dark barely lit streets. The concrete still wet from raining earlier that day. It smelled as if it were still raining. There still were puddles of water on the ground. I ran straight through them all and the splash went almost to my knees. I made a sharp turn around the corner into an alley way. They sped right past me, while I got my chance I dove into the street and shot open one of the sewage openings. Slowly I shut the lid a slipped downward into the sewer.

I carefully walked toward my campsite. I got a few things before I went to see my sister. As I walked., the piercing smell of raw sewage struck my nose. I didn't even want a glimpse of the water, that is I hope its water. Sewers were my best escape, but I hate the disgusting stench it has. I guess I'll have to deal with the scent. I approached one of the sewage openings. I knew which one led to my campsite because I marked it. I quietly opened it only having my eyes out, I looked both ways to make sure to make sure no one was around and I hopped out. I walked over to my tent. I lived in a small tan tent. I had locked it on the zipper, and then I pulled out my key and unlocked it. I slowly opened the zipper and stepped inside

I took off my shoes and walked towards my desk. My tent didn't have much. A mattress in one of the corners, a small black desk on one of the walls with a mirror right over it, and a little pop-up closet with a few outfits inside but most of them I used as a disguise. I used them for when I want to go out in public. Its small but I am hardly ever there. I guess it works out. It was in the middle of the night so I decided to lay down for a quick nap.

I had waked around seven in the morning. I sprung out of my bed and marched over to my desk. I glanced in the mirror and thought, "I need a disguise" I changed my outfit into a pair of dark blue pants and a red blouse. I glared into the mirror and thought it wasn't enough. I reached into the drawer of my desk and yanked out a wig and threw it on. Now I had black hair instead of red. Then I grabbed one of my contact cases and put in a pair of colored contacts. I had bright blue eyes rather then green. I took one last look in the mirror and thought, "perfect". I grabbed my retractable sword for easy storage, and I pranced out the door.

I walked the streets searching for a building that they might be in. I found a building with a stone sign. It had in bold black writing "Ayazawa Industries". I knew that had to be the place, they had to be in there. I entered the twenty story building determined and anxious. There were cops everywhere, each way I turned. I played it cool and hurried straight to the elevator. There was a woman in the elevator, she was dressed to impress very professional.

"Excuse me ma'am" I asked politely.

"Yes, may I help you?" she asked in confusion.

"Would you happen to know where Mr. Ayuzawa is at this moment"

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