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Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night, completely confident that someone was watching you? Was the scream yours, or was it just in your dream? If so, why was it still echoing around your room?

Have you ever been in a room full of people and you feel someone's gaze on your back, but when you turn around you see nobody?

Have you ever been in an elevator alone and feel somebody brush against you?

That's me.

I'm you.

I'm the you that belongs in that body, and deserves to live your life. I'm the you who you pushed out, before forgetting that you are the parasite. I'm the rightful owner.

I may never get my body back, but I will never leave it. I'll be following as you walk home alone in the dark. I'll be watching as you sleep, struggling to keep your grip. I'll be laughing when you think you see me at the end of your bed, because that was me. I was there and you didn't believe my eyes. I will always be with you.

I'll be leaning over your shoulder when you talk, and I'll make you cower at your own name.

If I can't be me then nobody can.

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