Chapter 1

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With over a quarter a million reads, 5K votes and more than 2.5K comments, I've taken down the majority of MMM aside the first chapter, leaving behind my little love letter to my early/naive/learning/growing writing days. Thank you for letting this story breath for as long as it needed life, but now I need to either move on or edit the shit out of this story. Thanks for those who read, and those who stumble upon this note as it will sit here marking my first journey into writing in 2013. Interested in something to read? Hop over to my works and check out my finished book SAY MY NAME! Thank you for your consideration. Keep reading, keep smiling, peeps.

Your author, Kenna.


This is my first fanfic Ive ever written so leave me a comment either it be a nice tip or what your opinion is :) thx for reading and enjoy!

Chapter 1

Some things happen for a reason, be it a good or bad influence on how those reasons affect your life. Many would argue this, point fingers at you and whine about how it could've or should've been different, but in the big picture, stepping back and looking at it as a whole instead of a piece, it all lines up in the right direction, sculpting and shaping you into the person you are supposed to be, and also form you into the piece of the puzzle in which you mould perfectly to your second half.

For this story, for this love, there was no earth shattering reason more than love ever gives in explanation. Try and figure it out, and you'll only find yourself lost.

I didn't bother, I was just along for the ride and a perfect ride it was.

This is our story .

It was 2 a.m. and Carson couldn't sleep. She was sitting on her bed staring at a blank page in a blank book. She wanted to write about the boy next door but she couldn't think of what to say. The warm summer night air was flowing through her window, oh how she loved summer. She could hear the trees leaves rustling around and all was peaceful.

She looked outside through her window to see stars, so many stars. It was so different from her home in Washington but she liked it all the same. Carson was twelve with piercing green eyes and long brown hair that almost touched her knees.

As she began to daydream about her life back home she heard a television. It sounded almost like a sports channel. She knew it wasn't coming from her house. Her dad hated sports. No, it was coming from next door. She looked at the window where the light from the T.V. was flickering and there he was. She sat up on her bed and put on her slippers. She went towards her window and stared at the boy she longed to know. She leaned against the frame and sighed. She liked him and she knew it from the second she saw him. His dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.

She wanted to run down the stairs, into his house and jump into his arms right then. Logically, she knew it was absurd, but oh how she wanted to. She continued to gaze out the window until she saw his head turn and look at her.

Her heart stopped as he gave a wave, oh how cute he was. She waved back, trying to seem nonchalant but on the inside jumping with joy. He smiled at her, then he got from his place and disappeared out of Carson's view. Darn she thought but just as she lost hope he returned with a phone in hand.

She watched him dial and put the phone up to his ear. She thought it different that he would make a phone call while staring at her. He had one hand in his pocket and one hand holding onto the phone. She let out a sigh and then her phone began to ring. Her heart dropped.

She ran to the sound searching desperately to find it. It sounded as if it was somewhere in her pack back, darn. Carson was an organized girl but her pack back was, well, a disaster, so Carson took it by the handle and dumped it onto her bed. There it was..Her phone.

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