A New Life (Chap. 1) (a witch love story)

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Ugh, I hated being the new girl! I wish I was back at my old school, with my old friends, my boyfriend, oh, and my old life! But that's not going to happen; I know that, I also know that, it never will. I could never have my old life back.

Two years ago, my parents were killed in a fire at my old house while I was at a a sleepover. At first, I thought it was just a dream and that I would wake up, but I am still waiting for my alarm to go off and the nightmare to be over; I guess I am just not that lucky.

At first, my grandparents took care of me, but after a year, I think that taking care of a fifteen-year-old-girl was just too much for them. Later, they sent me from my nice warm, dry home in California, to a cold, rainy foster home in Seattle. It was bad enough I had lost my parents, but I guess that they just had to make me suffer even more and make me lose my life too?!

"Please introduce your self to the class," the elderly teacher said, bringing me out of my reverie.

"Um, my name is Katheren Whitney," I mumbled, looking down, trying to hide my blush. Oh, did I mention why I hated to be the new kid? Well the first thing is that, I hate not knowing what is going on, and that I hated attention. And attention seemed to be precisely what I was getting.

"Well Katheren," she pressed, "could you tell us where you moved from?"

"Santa Ana, California." Please, please let that be enough...

"Oh, well welcome," Mrs. Brooks smiled kindly at me, "take any seat you want."

I murmured a thanks and quickly sat in an empty seat at the back of the class, not looking up while I went. When I finally sat down, Mrs. Brooks started her Geometry lesion. I didn't pay attention most of the class, because, in my old school, I was always the nerd who everyone thought took vigorous notes the whole class. But that wasn't even close to being right, I was just very intelligent and didn't see the point in the teacher's lessons, I just read about it in the book later and figured it out for my self, it always worked in the past, that and my teachers didn't bother calling on me, knowing I was smarter then they were. I doodled in my note book for the whole class and when the bell rang, I jumped.

I was surprised to hear a quiet laugh from beside me. "Here, you dropped this," the guy that was sitting beside me said, handing me my pencil that I had flung when the bell caught me off-guard.

"Thanks," I said, taking it from him, still not looking at him.

"Hey, since it's your first day, how about I give you a tour, you know, help you find your classes..."

I looked up then, surprised by his chivalrous offer and my jaw almost dropped. He was...he was... perfect... I guess that's the best way to describe him. He had sun-blond hair, a drop-dead gorgeous smile, and the most shocking electric blue eyes. "Uh, s-sure," I stuttered.

"Great, my name's Daren, by the way, Daren Coventry. You're Katheren, right?"

"Yeah, but everyone calls me Kate or Kates," I said, while I put all of my stuff into my book bag.

"Hmm, well Kates, what's your next class?" Daren asked.

"Um, chemistry, I think."

"Awesome," Daren said, and smiled. My mind completely blanked, wow, how did he do that?! "Come on we don't want to be late." Then he grabbed my hand so that I would follow him. But I yanked my hand back, because when he touched my hand, it felt like I had been electrocuted or something, but it didn't hurt, just a surprise, almost...pleasant? "Sorry," he mumbled, looking down. Then he brightened up, "'Cause theirs is nothing scarier than a pissed off Mr. Berkeley."

I laughed and we headed towards the science building.

To be truthful, I was surprised that Daren was even talking to me; I wasn't the kind of girl who got attention from good-looking guys like him, no matter how nice they were. I mean, it's not like I was pretty or was outgoing or anything, I was normal looking and boring. I was a boring five-foot six girl with dirty blond hair, and boring green eyes.

I was- to most people- a nerd, I loved to read books all the time, I aced all my classes, and didn't have a boyfriend until a month before my parents died. I wasn't even sure that Ben- my old boyfriend- even really liked me, or just wanted me to help him with his homework. And it didn't help me that I had glasses then, but, my aunt had gotten me contacts before I moved to Seattle to start my new life with her and Nova High School. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a bad school or anything, I just missed Valley High School in Santa Ana.

"Are you okay?" Daren asked me.

I jumped startled back into reality. "Yeah, just daydreaming, I do that a lot."

"Oh," he laughed, "well it is better to be stuck in your mind than in school."

"Yeah," I laughed too, "sounds about right." Then I thought of something. "Daren?" I was surprised at how much I liked to say his name.


"Well um, you don't have to show me around school if you don't want to, I mean you have to walk that much further and it could make you late... I just don't want you to go through all that trouble for me..."

He smiled, "It's no trouble at all." Then we entered the science building and my second class for the day, great.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2009 ⏰

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