Chapter 1

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I got a new mysterious fan today. The anonymous person followed my blog, and liked all of my entries. That's not what bewildered me. Everyone wants to know about Sherlock Holmes. I admit I am very lucky to be living with such a man. Although, he does put me in some danger, but that's alright.

The fan left me a lingering email. "I am such a fan of your art work, Watson. I love these stories you share about the miracle of Sherlock Holmes. I've been researching him for some time now, and finding a first-hand source is gold. Thanks again." They signed it with "love, Sherlock's fan".

I know what you're thinking. Oh, it's just a big fan nothing weird about that. The lingering thing is... I've never mentioned my last name was Watson on my blog... I kept my last name to myself for privacy reasons. This mysterious fan is someone I know.

Sherlock is currently out for a case. I am stuck in this small flat with all of Sherlock's experiments that have gone wrong. I do need to clean. So, I got up and swept around the flat. I threw away severed body parts that Sherlock kept. I threw away test tubes that could not be cleaned, and washed the ones that could be washed.

Once I finished cleaning I decided to get on the laptop to check on some things. I noticed my laptop was moved from its previous spot on the desk in the right side of living quarters in the flat. I figured Sherlock must've moved it. I searched around in his room.

I saw the laptop underneath his bed. Bloody hell, it was ruined. He must've took a hammer to it. It had holes in the monitor. Sherlock was going to have to get me a new one. I need that laptop to keep up with the blog. Just when I was throwing the soiled laptop, Sherlock swiftly entered the kitchen, throwing his coat and scarf down on the couch.

"What the hell, Sherlock?" I raised my voice. "What is it, John?" He answered my question with another question. Classic Sherlock. "You know what it is." I stayed firm. "Oh, your laptop? I'll buy you a new one soon. There.. there was a bug." He lied obviously. "So, you took a hammer to it?" I shouted. It hurt me worse that he was lying.

"Okay, I was doing some research when Mycroft wanted to video chat. He told me about how I needed to go to rehab. Doesn't that sound like rubbish, John? My nicotine patched are working. I am in a sweet spot in my work, where many murders are happening, and he's trying to ruin it." Sherlock pouted.

I can't stay mad at Sherlock. I sat him down on the couch. "I'll make some tea, yeah?" I said, going to the kettle, running cool water in it, and placing it on the stove after I turned the stove on. I returned to Sherlock's side. "So, you're in a sweet spot?" I asked, trying to cheer him up. I know how badly he does not want to go to rehabilitation. He's ranted many times about it. "Many murders, John. I have no time to be bored. It's grand." He smiled a little, fumbling with his fingers.

I got up once the kettle went to screeching, signaling that it was finishing our tea. I poured it into two cups, and handed one to Sherlock. "So, if there are so many cases happening.. why are you at home?" I asked. It was only noon on a Thursday. "Mycroft bribed Lestrade to send me home." Sherlock looked down at the fibers of the carpet. "How did Mycroft bribe Lestrade?" I asked confused. "Sexual pleasures." Sherlock frowned.

Poor thing. When Sherlock wasn't at work he was like a sad baby. I always feel so bad when he's like this. On another topic, holy shit Mycroft and Lestrade. I would've never guessed. "Your brother is gay?" I asked. "He is bisexual." Sherlock corrected. "More importantly, Lestrade is bisexual?" I asked. No one ever tells me anything. "Lestrade is gay." Sherlock corrected again.

My phone ringed, signaling that I got a notification. Its an email from my new mysterious fan. "I need a new update soon, John. I am starting to have withdraws. Get me an update soon, or people are going to star dropping like flies." Oh my god. I am being threatened over my blog.

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