"So class." My English teacher announced. "You will be writing an essay for me"
The whole class groaned."Along with this essay you will be expected to take a picture... please take out a scrap piece of paper so you can brainstorm ideas."
The whole class shuffled and got out lined paper, I looked over to my good friend Louis for a sheet and he nodded and passed it over.
I mouthed a quiet thank you and took out a navy blue pen that had deep teeth marks on the cap.
"Please brainstorm ideas until the bell rings"I never really paid attention in this class so I just wrote down random aesthetics.
Harry Styles
Assignment: creative writing
•cinnamon toast crunch
As I was about to write the bell rang.
I quickly packed up my things and my teachers voice echoed through the room.
"Your assignment will be due in 3 weeks...Be creative!!"I ignored his comment and plugged my earbuds and started walking towards my bus. My bus was always late so I sat on the cold stone fence that surrounded the plants.
That's when you walked past me and sat on the grass, not to far from me. I admired you while you struggled to untangle your earbuds.
Your light brown hair shielded you from the outside world. When the wind blew little strands would tickle your nose that's when you tucked it gently behind your ear. Your hands looked fragile and delicate. Nail polish wasn't found on one finger.
Your legs were held closely up to your chest.The black rimmed glasses were gently placed lightly on your face while your eyebrows were scrunched together, you were always the best drawer. You bit the inside of your cheek while focusing on the sketch pad in front of you.I'm guessing you were looking around for inspiration and that's when you saw me looking at you. I gave a small smile and your cheeks turned a champagne pink. I lightly laughed, finding it adorable how easily embarrassed you get over the silliest things.
This is when I took out my notepad for English and completed my last bullet.