Living like rebels

21 1 4

Part 1

I was running through a meadow; holding hands with a boy slightly older than me. The meadow was a hazy yellow with the violet flowers poking out of the tall grass in a colourful blaze. The person I was holding hands with had dark brown hair and hazel eyes.  We both seemed to be laughing, Skipping and smiling... But as soon as he opened his mouth to speak, I was ripped from him. A blackness swallowing his face before I could hear what he was going to say.

That’s when I woke; it’s when I always wake. I gazed across room, my black bed sheets swallowed my body; encasing me in a bundle of warmth.  Then my dad knocked on the door twice; letting me know that he was entering my room. “Morning sweetie" He said, his usual fake tone of happiness, "I’m just off to work. Your ray gun’s on the kitchen table. I’ll be home around 1.”

I mumbled a short reply and with that he closed the door and left. I could hear his rapid footsteps going down the stairs and the tinkling of keys turning a lock. As soon as the front door had been closed, I pulled myself out of bed; almost tripping over my German shepherd Loki before I walked into my en suite bathroom. My appearance was different to most, they usually had just brown hair or black hair, where as I had naturally light blonde hair that looked like the desert sand, but I had recently dyed it, turning it a bright purple with black tips.

I got out of my pyjamas, putting them away in the wash basket before jumping into the shower, I loved my showers, always managed to relax me. At first, the water was cold and it instantly rendered me awake, making my muscles tense, but it gradually got warmer and they were soon reduced to relaxed mush. Once I had relaxed, I began to wash my hair and body, making them smell like strawberries and cream. Hopping out the shower, I dried myself with the towel before wrapping it around my body and looking to the mirror.

 I brushed my teeth next and exfoliated my face, making them clean as I possibly could in the temperatures outside. Hastily walking into my bedroom, I got dressed into my white vest top and my black skinny jeans. As I turned to grab my brush off of my dresser, I saw my dragon necklace, It was a beautiful silver dragon with its wings outstretched and a long curved tail. Both Jasmine and I had gone to a black market last week, in secret of course and found it. She bought me the dragon necklace and I bought her a biohazard one, suited our personalities perfectly. The necklace had a hidden blade in it that was connected to the tail and slotted into the dragons’ body, a great weapon, should I ever need it.

 Our house was one of the largest in the whole city, but then again, I guess that’s what you get when your dads the head of defence and the companion of the leader. The house itself was beautiful, with its large staircase, curving around the inner left wall of the house, the four bedrooms lining the top of the staircase, one for me, one for my father, one for guests (Mainly Jasmine) and one for storage. Our kitchen, was a large room with an island in the centre of it and cabinets all across the walls, along with a  breakfast bar and as many other kitchen appliances you can possibly think of; far too many in my opinion, but then again I enjoy the coffee our coffee machine makes...  And in the summer, the ice cube machine is a life saver. The dining room is at the very back of the kitchen, with its large glass wall that overlooks the back garden and a beautifully carved table with matching chairs. The Garden has a couple of trees, mostly apple trees, which grow the most amazing apples and a flower bed full of blue moons and black dahlias. But mainly my trampoline takes up most of the garden space. And last but not least, the library and office. They substituted for our lack of a living room.

I made my way into the kitchen and put my gun into my back pocket; making sure the safety was on as to not accidentally shoot myself. I then began the mission of making myself a cup of coffee and cooked up some smoked bacon for both me and Loki, who had decided to make an appearance, sitting by my feet as I started to fry off the bacon.

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