Class Assignment

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       "There is a Story, an urban legend to be more realistic, about a child born out of sacrifice and mankind's need to be protected from the unknown dangers of the stars. His name was Kazuhiko, meaning "harmonious Prince". He earned his name by protecting and serving the human race from visitors from other worlds that had mischievous plans to enslave man for their durability and their need to evolve. As a young child, Kazuhiko's name was not so. Instead his name was Hotaru, meaning "Darkness and Despair". The villagers gave him this name due to his misfortune at birth; his mother died bringing him into the world, and his father ended his own life from the grief of losing the one that he had devoted his life and love to. He was to be the village's only orphan and taken care of by spiteful people that only despised him for taking away the village jewel and their strongest warrior. He was beaten for petty mistakes and put to work for next to no income, his life had become so backbreaking, that his body was at the level of an old man at the age of twenty. Hotaru had become so tiresome of the way people had been treating him his entire life, that he himself had become spiteful and dark. One day, after a beating from a merchant, Hotaru climbed his way out of that horrible valley, and slowly made his way to the top of the mountain that overlooked the run down village. He prayed to his mother and begged for forgiveness; "Oh please forgive me my mother, for I did not want your death to be so! And please forgive me father for I did not want to take away your love and in result causing your death!" He did not expect a response, he expected to be struck with lighting and sent to hell. He braced his body and fell to his weak knees into the dry dirt. For a second, he opened his black eyes to let a tear fall onto the earth, which it did, and so happened to give a drink to the God that had been buried there for a thousand years before Hotaru's arrival. The ground began to rumble, but Hotaru only saw it as hell opening up to take him away for his sins. The God Broke free from the earth with the strength given to him by Hotaru, and found himself gazing upon the Kneeling orphan. A few moments of the God's confusion passes when Hotaru broke the silence by yelling into his hands. "Well aren't you going to smite me and drag me to my punishment!?" the God, still very confused as to why the young man that saved him would need to be punished, lifted Hotaru's chin so that they were now face to face. Hotaru was speechless from the God's size and power, while the God was ready to spill words of gratitude; "You have saved me from that dusty cell, and given me a drink of water when I needed it most! You deserve no punishment, only reward!" Hotaru eyes grew wider from amazement. "Those eyes of yours are not very interesting." The God said with slight laughter in his booming voice. He rose his hand and tapped Hotaru on his forehead changing Hotaru's eyes to a brilliant slurry of bright vibrant colors, Hotaru's already long hair, changed from a stained, faded black, to a light and mysterious lavender. Hotaru shot backwards and trembled in fear as the radiant God Chuckled. "W-W-Who are y-you?" Hotaru stuttered. The God, amazed at Hotaru's reaction, answered with an exciting tone. "I am the God of this valley! I am to make sure that this place is prosperous!!!" Hotaru did not exactly believing the God, because of the state of the village. The God picked up on that, and gave his reasoning, "I was forgotten and left here to die of thirst! Until you came to give me sip of your tears setting me free!" the two talked for a while, letting Hotaru explain why he was crying and awaiting punishment, and the God spoke of how the villagers long before stopped bringing him water and left him to wither away. The two seemed to become friends in a blink of an eye, which was rare for both. You see the word "friends" weren't exactly in their vocabularies. After they both finished telling their tales, the God got an amazing idea... "If you bring me water for fifty more years, I will grant you the power of the Earth. This will end my life, but I am already prepared to die." Hotaru, slighted saddened, agreed and left, once he got to the village no one recognized him, letting Hotaru start over. He brought each day after that for fifty years buckets of water and stories for the God. Hotaru's body grew old and feeble, but he was determined to make at least one person happy. When the day finally came for Hotaru to receive the powers of earth, He made his way to the top of the mountain with the very last bucket of water. Once he did, he collapsed from exhaustion at the God's feet. The God lifted his face like he did many years before, and gazed into the tired old eyes of Hotaru, He grinned and kissed Hotaru on the forehead, sending a sharp pain down Hotaru's back. He screamed with agony as the Earth's powers shot into him, The God faded slowly away as Hotaru grew younger and more powerful. Once the powers were transferred, Hotaru examined himself in the bucket of water. He did so to find that he had many tribal markings on his body and face that glowed with his every emotion. Hotaru began to use those powers and perfected them well, which became useful when the visitors from the stars came and began taking people to become their slaves. He saved many over the course of a hundred years and became Kazuhiko. Some still believe that he protects the same area, only now that area has become the well-known Tokyo."

"Heh, What a load of crap!" One of Miss.T's trouble students yelled, the class broke out in muffled laughter which soon ceased after Miss.T gave them a terrifying look.

"Even if the whole world said that he wasn't real, I still would believe in him." She said in a 'matter-of-fact' kind of way. The student's immediately grew more interested. One of the 'Know-it-all' students raised their hand.

"Um, what evidence do you have to support your believing?" Miss.T chuckled, as it was good question, seeing that this is a college course of Journalism, after which she prepared her statement carefully... she didn't want to seem crazy.

"Because I saw him with my own eyes." The class erupted in whispers' and weird looks directed at Miss.T.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" One of male students so rudely blurted out.

"I remember being saved from drowning, and what I saw was a young man with Lavender hair, glowing tribal markings, and brilliant eyes." The class giggled and awaited for more craziness to escape Miss.T's mouth, but Miss.T knew better. She turned back to the board and wrote a new assignment. The class groaned and readied their pencils for notes.

"This assignment is due at the end of this semester, it is extra credit. The amount of point on this assignment will be enough to get you an 'A' in here without doing anything else. I call this assignment: Kazuhiko. Find Kazuhiko and interview him, if you can bring him here." The class wrote down the new assignment and debated with each other whether or not they should do it. Sure enough, more than half planned on doing nothing that semester and still get an 'A', but what the question is now is; "Is Kazuhiko real?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2015 ⏰

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