Chapter One

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I know this sort of thing has been done a few times but I have really wanted to do a full story about Edward and Bella for a long time. Hopefully this is interesting and somewhat new for all of you who are like me and still love Twilight and have already read like... every decent fanfiction there is. Haha. Please give reviews! I'll try to update as often as I can... :)


Edward's POV

For what seemed like the millionth time in the past hour, my phone began to buzz around on one of the filthy shelves located on the east wall of my flat. Of course I subconsciously noted and knew that the real frequency of calls had been forty-six times, for my mind is sensitive and shrewd with details, crisper than some of the smartest professors all around the world put together could ever dream of being. Every facet of life that surrounds me is seen, heard, and committed to memory, ready for retrieval if I wanted to recall anything. My sight, hearing, smell, and strength is all that of a super human. After a while a vampire becomes accustomed to the plethora of senses, although having the unique immortal talent of mind reader, or one-sided telepathy, whatever you choose to call it, can be hard to ignore.

The flat I have been living in for a few weeks now is in a beautiful city in South America called Caracas, located mountainside in Venezuela. With just a few books, a grainy TV, and a radio, the one room flat isn't anywhere near the luxury of what my lifestyle could buy me. It is unlit and dreary, with one broken window boarded shut, and broken appliances, all of no use to me. There isn't even a toilet, instead in it's place is a hole in the ground and unfinished plumbing and woodwork. Next to where the toilet once was is a murky washbasin that I have never touched and will never touch. That retched thing is probably full of diseases, although I would not catch any of them even if I licked it clean. That goes for most of this place. It is not a home so much as a dwelling. I would even go as far to say that it is ludicrous to pronounce that I am living here, because the dejected and despondent state that I manifest right now is anything other than alive. To say I am simply surviving would be a sugarcoated illustration, for every breath I breathe without Isabella Marie Swan in it's proximity is suffering.

With an exasperated growl I uncurl my body from my position on the floor and whip into a standing position, running to grab the stupid phone. I ache all over, if that's even possible, knowing of the pain I have caused my coven by leaving them behind with little to no contact. But I am not well-nourished these days, I'm always thirsty. My mood is unstable and volatile most of the time now, and I momentarily loathe Alice for her repetitious implementation over everything.

Family, Edward. I correct myself. They aren't just your coven, they are your family.

I knew that the only way that I could really do this... That I could disappear from her life as if I had never been in it, without any interference, was for us all to leave. My decision rendered me to be selfless in debt of my prior greed. I took what should never have been mine when I messed with the natural network of an innocent humans life and got Bella dangerously involved. I never meant for my family to end up so distressed and affected by the repercussions that I shared with them. I simply couldn't stay around them in my miserable state. I had to get out and away from their sad and regretful thoughts. It wasn't fair for them to have me around so morbid and awry; I couldn't help but be so bitter and cold.

Alice had seen my decision the moment I had made it and ran to Carlisle, who sat me down alone for a not very private conversation. Nothing is ever private in a house full of vampires, let alone gifted ones. He sadly agreed to let me go off to grieve on my own, against his own preference and judgement, so long as I stayed in contact. With a few solemn hugs goodbye I left within the hour with just a backpack consisting of a rain jacket, a gold card, my passport and current ID, and a flip phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2015 ⏰

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