In Order to Form a More Perfect...Something.

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We all know the world will never be perfect. That everyone will always find something wrong with one tiny detail, person, thing, etc. There's going to have to be a change sooner or later, but hopefully people will realized that our future depends on it happening now. Not later. In order to build a future in which we have no problems with one another, without anger towards tedious things, unnecessary violence and better yet, no violence at all; we must work together. 

Seeing as this is a lot to build up to, lets start small. 

You have people who like ice cream. Then you have people who don't like ice cream. From there, it splits into who likes what flavor of ice cream, who likes eating ice cream often or every other week. The lists of categories is endless, but none the less a dispute. 

Now, replace the ice cream with school. There are those who detest going to school and then there are those few who actually enjoy it (for other reasons than just seeing their friends). 

It's like an equation really, with the variable being the category. C standing for the variable, which we know is the part of our problem that can change. Then there is us, represented by a U. Add or multiply the two together and an endless outcome of fuses are created. Just waiting to be lit. 

C x U = ?

Books x People = Critics, arguments, opinions, disagreements.

Weather x People = Complaints, issues, problems.

Government x People = Chaos, uprising, war, downfalls, crisis.

People x People = Controversy, anger, death, segregation, discrimination, hatred, separation.

The number of ways to set up this equation is endless, with billions of ways to solve it just like the billions of people involved in it. We all know that the category/variable can change, but we fail to see what always stays constant. People.

People are what remain the consistency in this equation because that's what everything always comes down to. Everyone asks what the meaning of life is; well, it's simple really. Life is about people, because were the only thing that's managed to last this long, advance this far, and still plan to live to tell about it years from now. 

Let's take this up a notch. 

Throw in religion, all of them in fact and this adds in a completely different issue. In fact, it should probably have it's own little part in the formula of life. Religion is probably one of the most controversial things we have in our lives. It brings people together, gives people hope and faith that there's always a brighter day ahead or another lifetime to look forward to. Then, religion also pushes people apart, separate's them into groups based on whether or not their beliefs are the right ones or not. We shouldn't split each other up in such a way because when you begin to believe your better than someone else or begin to think that someone else's beliefs are wrong, it can never end well. 

Not that there shouldn't be different religions, because everyone is born with, or should be born with, the freedom to decide for themselves what they wish to believe in. No one has the right or authority to tell you that you must believe what they do. That's not how things should work and deep down we all know it. 

This leads to the conclusion that maps out what could inevitably be the way to forever stop the horrible problems of this world. It's neither a new government, nor a new religion. Only a simple explanation that is both fact and at the same time a trust. A trust so strong that if everyone were to follow it, we would be able to accomplish the next step of humanity. The step that would make us a whole, that would allow for our species to evolve past all it's senseless wars and issues.

1. Everyone is equal. Maybe not in the sense that we all will be born with wealth or good looks or in a nice place; but at the end of the day it all comes down to the fact that underneath our exteriors is the same structure within. Even if some may be smaller or sturdier than others, we're all human. We will always be human, and not a single one of us is born better than another. 

2. Religion is a way of life. Not a law. Just like everyone has different daily routines or lifestyles, some have religion. While there are some who don't, the ones that do choose for themselves to live with it. No one has the right to judge another if they choose not to believe in anything or if they believe in something different. It's not a crime to not believe in a religion, and its also not a law that says you have to. 

3. Government is government. Pretty self explanatory, but let's make a few things clear. No one government is right or perfect. There's always a problem with them. One thing we can probably all agree on that comes from government is basic common sense laws they set for us all. For those of you who disagree, think of it this way. A loved one of yours is murdered; wouldn't you want the killer caught? Well, without laws there are no law enforcers, thus no one to catch your loved one's murderer. So even if the government is horrible, that's a problem that we can solve on a rainy day.

4. Lifestyles. Either accept them, or stay silent. People are allowed to be who they want to be. Some people are even a born a certain way. We all come in different shapes, sizes, colors, paired with unique personalities that fit who we are. Whether that be homosexuality, or even transsexualism, it doesn't matter. Let people be who they are. Never judge someone because of who they are. If you do, take a look in the mirror, because no one on this planet is perfect and we all have flaws. Even the ones who seem perfectly normal, nice, beautiful, smart; there's always something underneath that the rest of us are not seeing.

and finally,

5. Listen. People who listen are far more likely to get places in life than those who don't. So imagine where we'd be right now if we all payed attention all the time. Take the time to actually hear people out, even if it's not someone you know or necessarily like. Just allowing a person to talk you when they're stressed or upset may just help them out in the long run. Wouldn't you want someone to listen to you if the world fell down upon your shoulders?

Now while I know that these five things wouldn't solve every problem in the world, it would solve all the important ones that just so happen to cause all of our main world issues today. We can never have a perfect society, a perfect life, perfect job, friends, or perfect anything really. You know why? 

Because we are the ones who decide if it's perfect. Society decides if we're perfect. The world decides if we are good or bad. I know this short little essay can't change the world or anything enormous like that, but I only hope for it to inspire the next generations who happen to read it, to think about it. To understand how living this way would bring us all together. Just having a few people start to think this way too would be an accomplishment because hopefully they'll pass it on and tell others about it.

In no way am I saying we should all think this way.

It's five things that you can decide for yourself if you want to live by. A code of sorts. 

To all who read this and choose to join the group of people who remain indifferent to the ways of society today, put a smile on your face because you should know that the rest of us are smiling at you. 

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