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"Happy birthday!"

I nearly jumped out of my skin as my best friend leaped onto my shoulders from behind.

"Jesus Christ Jenn!" I held my chest, still gasping from the shock earlier. Of course, Jenn would be laughing her ass off at my outburst. "God I hate you," despite my words, my lips were dragging itself up into a grin.

Jenn reached around my neck and pulled me into her bone-crushing hugs as she said, "Sorry Fay, I couldn't help it."

My heart still beating at an insane pace, my arms reached around her and squeezed her back just as enthusiastically.

I definitely should've had this moment on film, but I didn't know it would all end so quickly.


I had gone home and as always, my parents got off work early to decorate the entire house with decorations and bake me their infamous chocolate mousse cake. Mom and dad bombarded me with hugs and kisses as they couldn't stop with their constant chants of "happy birthday".

After I was finally released from their loving hold, I went upstairs to change into a more suitable attire for the dinner tonight. My family was a sucker for traditions, and it was a tradition for us to go out to The Keg every dinner on our birthdays. And I am definitely not complaining. Before plugging my music into the speakers, I went through my Facebook notifications to see that 56 people had wished me happy birthday, I tried my best to like and reply to each of their posts and once I felt that my bladder was about to explode if I didn't use the toilet right away, I rushed to the bathroom. I am not peeing my pants. Especially not on my birthday.

Rushing downstairs after I was ready to go, my brother surprised me with a flying pillow to my face whilst screaming, "Happy birthday sis! Congrats on being an old lady!" Scowling at him, I threw the pillow back at him, and he unfortunately caught the pillow without being hit.

What a shame.

"I'm only fifteen you scrub," my arm swung across to hit him slightly below his stomach causing him to groan.

"Nice hit, mademoiselle Faith," my dad said with his arms in the air waiting for my high five. I smirked as I hit his hand while watching Davie squirm in pain.

There's another tradition where if the siblings fight (small fights), the birthday child is always cheered on. Perks of being on your birthday in the Everett family.

"Alright kids, let's hurry and go before we miss our reservation," my mom chuckled. I turned to face her as I saw her in an incredible dress, nothing too fancy of course, but for a woman in her high-thirties, I can confidently say that she's definitely gorgeous.

"Mom, I thought I was the birthday girl here, you can't just outshine me here," I walked over as I clutched her arm.

Her charming laugh flowed through the room as she shook her head, "Never will I be prettier than you sweetheart."

"Hah! Wow mom, you're funny. There's no tradition that we have to lie to the birthday girl too," Davie cackled.

"You wanna die kid?" I raised an eyebrow, challenging him.

"Kid? I'm like 4 minutes older okay? Show some respect little girl," he crossed his arms, accepting the challenge.

"Wow! Four whole minutes? I'm sure that won't count for anything since I'm the mature one right dad?" I grinned as he gave me a thumbs up.

"That won't count 'cause I'm more mature," he mocked.

"Wow, thanks for proving my point," I glared at him jokingly.

"Wow, thanks for proving my point."

"Ha. Ha."

"Ha. Ha"

"You're so annoying Davie," I rolled my eyes in defeat. I was losing IQ points from talking to this kid.

"You're so cool Davie," he squealed.

I shoved him lightly on his shoulder as he laughed obnoxiously.

This moment was also something I'd taken for granted.

Because this was the last thing I'd remembered before waking up in a bright, white room in the hospital.

"Faith? Are you awake sweetheart?" 

My eyes struggled to adjust to the bright lights. It felt like I hadn't opened them in years.

I opened my mouth to speak, but I realized I had a giant plastic tube on my lips.

"Oh right, just give me a second sweetie," she walked away to bring another girl into the room with the same white uniform as her.

The weight of my eyelids were too exhausting for me to keep them open as I let myself drown into darkness and sleep.

When I woke up the next day, the tubes were gone and the nurses said that I was extremely strong and lucky to have woken up from my coma which lasted three months. Trying to register the information in my head, my head flashed with the memory of bright lights swerving towards me.

Towards us.

"Where's my family?" My voice cracking.

The nurse smiled warily at me as she hesitated, "Your brother Davie is in the other room, he's in a steady state right now."

I smiled in relief knowing that my twin brother is safe.

"What about my parents? Are they okay?"

The nurse only avoided my gaze and said, "Sweetie would you like some water?" She reached around the table to pour me a glass of water.

Still hazy with what was happening, I took the glass hesitantly and downed all the contents, the cool water nourishing my throat.

I haven't forgotten my question though, "Where are my parents?"

The lady rubbed her chin in distress as she stared at me with an unconvincing smile, "I'm so incredibly sorry Faith, but they've passed away in the accident."

I don't remember what happened later. I heard some shouting and more voices of different people. I think there was a defibrillator involved I don't know.

It was all just kinda dark and blurry.

Faith - H.S.Where stories live. Discover now