"Do you believe in Soulmates..?"

200 8 10

Edited by suttonej
Artwork by LHSHIP

Louis Tomlinson remembered the day he met Harry Styles better than anything. It was late October and the leaves were already starting to fall from the trees. He'd just moved to Holmes Chapel, a small town in Cheshire, a week before, and didn't know anyone. He moved there because the rent was much cheaper than in Doncaster, his hometown. He missed his family dearly, especially his mother, but he did what he had to do for his future career, even though he wasn't completely sure of what it was yet. So he moved. The whole thing about moving is, though, that you never really know anyone, and every place you go is new and exciting, but also daunting. He could definitely say that it was smaller and cleaner, and a bit more boring, than his home.

It was Monday and Louis was already a little too late to class. He was starting Uni today, so it was just his luck that on his first day his buzzer didn't work, the hot water didn't run, and he forgot to do some grocery shopping. He thought back to how his mum had always been on top of those things, and he appreciated her so much more. It was going to be an ‚asshole day' as he liked to call the days where everything just went wrong.

Luckily for him, there was a small bakery just across from his apartment. He grabbed his bag and his phone and darted down the stairs and across the street to the bakery. A cheese straw was what he needed. Now. Badly.

Louis shouldered the door open and frantically searched his bag for his wallet to pay for his meager breakfast. If he hurried, he might be able to make it on time for his second class.

"What can I get for you, Sir?" An extremely deep voice interrupted his crazy thoughts and washed over him like warm bath water, if that made any sense.

Louis raised his head, laying eyes on the most mesmerizing green eyes he'd ever seen on a boy, or on anyone for that matter. According to his voice, Louis thought that the person must be in his twenties. But this...boy, he looked so young. And so beautiful. With his curly hair (that was really too much hair, but it suited him), and his green green eyes, he was Louis' definition of perfection.

"Umm..." Louis had tried to find his voice, but failed miserably. He was making a fool of himself. He cleared his throat and tried again. "May I have a cheese straw, please...?" he asked. And this boy, whose name tag read Harry, looked at him in wonder. He didn't know why and Harry didn't move to give Louis what he wanted. So he waited. And Harry just stared. They stood there for two awkward minutes and Louis started to feel self conscious. Maybe Harry didn't hear him the first time. So he repeated himself, and Harry seemed to jolt back into action.

"Oh, yeah of course. M'sorry," he mumbled while he put the cheese straw in a bag, placing it on the counter and ringing Louis up.

"I just wondered...uh, where that accent of yours came from," Harry suddenly blurted out, and Louis managed to look him in the eye again.

And then they started to talk. Louis told him that he'd just moved from Doncaster and that he attended Uni, and that, at the moment, he was very late. Harry then shoved the cheese stick into Louis' hands and basically shoved him out the door.

"Um...Well, if you don't know anyone, I mean, I wouldn't mind being your friend...if you wanted a friend, that is." He bit his lip, and Louis thought that it must be the most adorable thing he had ever seen.

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