Chapter 1: New guy

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P.O.V. Jaune

I was walking down the halls with Pyhhra. However she looked at me and said something I found rather odd. "Don't you think Ren and Nora make a cute couple?" She said looking at me.

"I would but they aren't together." I said looking at her.

"I know but still." She said looking at me.

"Hmm for some reason I just can't see the two of them together." I said looking at her.

"Hun really well why not?" She asked looking at me.

"I don't know. I'm trying my best but I just can't see the two of them as a couple." I said looking at her.

"I-I see," she said looking down at the ground. As we walked into class Ruby and Yang waved at us. The other two didn't notice because they were caught up in books.

"Students it is to my great privilege that I will be announcing a new student today. He comes from the kingdom of Fairbell." Professor Port said looking at us.

He then turned to the door and smiled. "Okay you can come in now." He when he did I saw man with [H/C] locks and [E/C] orbs walk in.

"OH MY GOD! REN LOOK IT'S [NAME]!" I suddenly heard Nora exclaim.

"Yeah so it is." Ren said with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"Ah well Mr. [Last name] since you seem to be well acquainted with Ms. Valkyrie and Mr. Ren you can sit beside them." The professor said looking at them.

He then got up and took a seat behind them. As he passed he looked as if he had something in his mouth although I couldn't tell what. As he sat behind Nora and Ren.

I saw that Nora was beaming with excitement while Ren on the other hand looked as if he had just given the worst possible fate. When the male finally sat down.

When the professor was talking Nora turned around and looked at [Name]. "Hey [Name] do you have any candy?" She asked looking at him.

"Of course I do what kind so you want?" He asked looking at her.

"I don't anything's fine." She said looking at him. He then reached into his left pocket and pulled out a wrapped piece of [Fav candy].

"Aww [Name] you're giving me a piece of your favorite candy you really didn't have to." She said looking at him.

"No it's fine after all you're several times sweeter." He said winking at her. Seems like we got another Neptune in the building.

Pyhrra then looked at him and also asked for a piece of candy. "May I also have a piece?" She asked looking at him. He nodded dug through his pockets and threw a piece of [least Fav candy] at her.

"There I don't like that kind." He said looking at her. Okay maybe he's not another Neptune cause that guy seems to hit on anything remotely female.

"Ren you want a piece of candy?" [Name] asked looking at him. Ren then smiled and held out his hand.

"I don't care what kind anything will do." He said looking at him. [Name] then nodded and pulled out a purple jawbreaker.

"I know how much you like them so there." [Name] said looking at him.

As class progressed it was a rather slow experience. However lunch eventually came and when it did. [Name] had gotten his lunch. He was going to go sit down by at another table but Nora grabbed his arm.

"NU-UH you are going to sit with me and my friends." She said practically dragging him over to our table.

When he sat down Nora got beside him and started to introduce us. "Everyone else this is mine and Ren's bestest friend before we came to Beacon [Name]. [Name] this is everyone else they fun but not as fun as you and Ren are." She said looking at him.

"So [Name] why didn't you come here at the begging and if I may ask how did you meet Nora and Ren?" Pyhrra asked looking at him.

"Well I was late because I was completing some special training that they wouldn't let me drop out of. I met Nora around when I was ten." [Name] said looking at them.

"I see what about Ren?" Ruby asked looking at him.

He then looked over to Ren and he nodded. However [Name] wasn't the one to speak up Ren was. "Well me and [Name] met when we were elven and we were fighting." Ren said his face turning a slight shade of red.

"Why were you two fighting?" Yang asked looking at them.

"They were fighting over me!" Nora interjected. When she said this they both became a shade redder and I realized what she said was true.

"Wait fighting over Nora? Did you two like here or something?" Weiss asked looking at him.

"Well I'm not sure about Ren but I still like her." [Name] said looking at her.

"W-Why would you admit something like that you dunce!" Weiss asked looking at him.

"I think it makes things less awkward plus there's really no point in hiding it." He said looking at him.

"Really so what happened?" I asked looking at him.

"Well Nora saw us fighting stopped the fight and things never really advanced between any of us." Ren said looking at me.

"I see so you have quiet the history together?" Blake asked looking at him.

"Yeah bit if we're being honest if we were backed into a corner I wouldn't want anyone else other than [Name] watching my back." Ren said looking at us.

"Really?" Ruby asked looking at him.

"Yeah the guy may seem to be all bite and no bark." Ren said looking at him.

"Didn't take him for the destructive type." Blake said looking at him.

"He's not in fact of anything he hates fighting when it's not needed." Ren said looking at her.

"Really how interesting." Pyhrra said looking at him.

The bell than rang and we were about to part ways but before we did [Name] looked at Ren and Nora and said. "You all should sleep over at my dorm. It'll be just like the old days." He said looking at them.

"Yay that sounds like a fun idea. LET'S DO IT REN!" She said looking at the male.

"Yeah I guess it sounds fun." Ren said looking at him.

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