Triple D Swift

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Diego woke up on the floor of a bathroom stall, cold and wet. He had a raging head ache. He slowly started to get up, and the throbbing pain in his head kept getting worse and worse.

He sat down on the toilet.
"What the heck just happened?", he thought to himself.

Diego stood up from the toilet and sighed. His head ache just kept getting worse. He exited the stall and made his way to the door that led to the other room. He needed to get something for this headache.


At that moment Diego realized that he wasn't in Chalupa Bell. The door led to nothing, he was outside. He had no idea where he was as he had never been  there before, or how he got there.

All of this confusion was making Diego's headache worse. He needed something NOW! He stopped a scrawny, lanky blonde woman. Her red lipstick was smudged, and her outfit was a disaster.

"Excuse me!", Diego called out to her.

"Yes?" She replied in an overly happy tone giving Diego the world's fakest smile.

"Do you have any like headache pills?"

"I sure do! Yee-haw! Yippy ki yay!" She exclaimed digging into her purse.

After a few seconds she finally pulled out a small container. She rattled it around in front of herself a bit before popping off the lid. She handed Diego two small capsules with a large smile plastered on her face.

Diego gratefully accepted the pills while thanking her for them. He dry swallowed the pills and was well on his way. Now he just needed to find a way back home.


Before Diego could find his way home he needed to find out where he was. He walked into a Well-Mart across the street. The store was practically empty. No one was there.

He approached a cashier. He had spiked, platinum blonde hair. He had a button up shirt with flames on it and sunglasses. His name tag read 'Guy'.

"Excuse me." Diego piped up

"What can I do for you, son?" Guy questioned.

"I was wondering if you could tell me where I am."

"Oh, you're in--"

Before Diego could hear Guy's full answer he started feeling dizzy and suddenly fainted there in the store.

Guy quickly grabbed Diego by the feet and dragged him to the alley way next to Well-Mart where the garbage man would surely take him away the next morning.

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