Chappy 1

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Chappy #1

3rd POV~

A knock resided at Headmaster Cross's door. "Come IN~" sang the dimwit of an adult.

Zana's POV~

I peaked my head into the door before fully stepping into the dimly lit room. I saw an old comrade sitting at a desk on the opposite side of his small office.

"Ah Zana so lovely to see you again," He waved his hand wildly as to greet me.

"Thanks Headmasty, it's nice to see you too" I used his nickname I made for him a while ago when he first told me of his idea.

"Alright Zana lets get to business" after a while of just chatting he finally went into his 'serious' voice. "How many people know of your last name as of now?"

I never wanted anyone to know of my true identity.. I'm Rido Kuran's only daughter and my brother is Senri. I was cursed with his mismatched eyes so I could easily be found. Nobody sees my red eye because my long dark green hair does the best job of keeping it hidden, so I look just like a normal 'Aristocrat vampire' even though I'm a pureblood in disguise; it's one of my many AWESOME powers.
"My parents, unfortunately, Senri, and  that's about it... Nobody else will know right Mastie?" I pleaded with him.

"But Kaname will find out eventually you do know right?" Again with Kaname, my cousin. I never really met him but I heard he was very ominous and powerful judging by his immense aura.

"Yea yea ooh! Soo scary the man with the big ego is gonna find out about me!" I sarcastically pretended to be scared, "please mister Kaname spare me!" I started laughing as I held my bangs out of my eye.. they get annoying after a while.

"Who's scary now?" A different voice rang in my ears as a man came from the door. I quickly covered my red eye as he approached me and Cross. "Is anything the matter?" He asked concerned as he gestured to my left eye... The one I was hiding.

"N-No Lord Kaname nothing is the matter." I quickly fixed my naturally green bangs and used a proper title as to keep anyone from making assumptions.

"Who might you be?" That question. Everyone has one question they absolutely hate. That's mine.

"I'm Zana. No last name. JUST Zana." I bowed as I said this. I'm very good at acting and I knew this because even HE looked convinced. "Umm..Headmastie where might my dorm room be?" I wanted to fill the awkward growing silence.

"Oh! Of course Zana you must be tired. Kaname here will show you to your dorm." Of course he will. Ugh as if this couldn't get worse he sends me with HIM.

As we neared the moon dormitory a figure stood near the gate. He had mahogany hair and crystal stone blue eyes, same as my right eye. "SENRII!!" I yelled as I bolted to his open arms and gentle smile. Think what you want but I HAVENT taken a 'liking' to him. Like incest.......
GROSS!! >_<  He spun my around as I continued to just take in his warm and fuzzy hug. He finally put me down and I completely forgot that Kaname was standing there.

"Ehm... Um should we go in then?" I politely asked in a timid voice.

As we walked in, I got nervous I clinged onto Senri's upper arm. Everyone was staring at me like I had three heads. "What are they staring at?" I went bold and asked out loud. A sudden bolt of lightning shot at my arm, catching me off guard and making me fall to the floor. My hand immediately shot to my red eye because the sudden jolt caused my bangs to shift. Senri quickly went to help me up but another bolt of lightning rang in between us. I looked up from my spot on the floor to see a girl in a white uniform with orange hair and blue violet eyes.

"Who are you?" She hissed at me.  I couldn't answer.. I didn't know how. Why was she so mad?

"Stop Rima!" An angry, no..... furious voice caught everyone's attention as they turned to Senri who had his blood whip out and was in a fighting stance.

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