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There once was a world where humans and animals lived side by side, all ruled by the powerful alien race known as the Asari. The asari are a highly intelligent race from the world Thessia. They are an all female race and they can live for centuries. They came and showed us the way of being one with our world.

The new Earth treasured all life. They didn't eat their animal counterparts, or keep them as pets. Money no longer existed, so everyone did their part, and in return got food, water, clothing, and shelter. The strong did the building and protected people, while the weaker did the farming and other tasks. The sick were taken care of when needed, and when you needed anything, all you had to do was ask.

Knowledge was highly regarded on the new Earth. People and animals that gained greater amounts of knowledge than others became low level government officials, like mayors and governors. Every species had their own senator.

But there were a few humans who did not like the new changes. They wanted to keep the animals as a food source, and keep the currency of the world. These humans were called, 'The Riffnocks.' They were soon banished to the moon colony after they were found out. This is where they would live out the rest of their lives. The colony itself was almost identical to Earth, thanks to terraforming. The Riffnocks lived as exiles, but in comfort. There were animals that lived there on the colony, but they lost the will to talk centuries ago.

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