Chapter 1 - Changes

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Chapter 1

"Get up! Get up now you worthless little bitch!" I slowly opened my eyes only to be met by my fathers angry face. "Get up now and make me and your mother something for breakfast!" I got up and quickly went downstairs before I got to feel his full anger, not that I'm not used to it already.

Whenever people look at me they just see a beautiful 16 year old girl that has the perfect life being all popular. But considering that I have to live with my abusive, alcoholic father and my terrible stepmother, I wouldn't call this a perfect life.

"Enjoy your meal" I said sarcastically putting their food in front of Andrew and Alyn. I usually called my father Andrew just because he never really was a dad to me.

"Don't you dare treat us like that. You should be grateful that we let you live with us even though you're so worthless!" Alyn replied.

"Well excuse me that I forgot to fall on my knees and thank you for being treated like shit!" I yelled at her grabbing my bag. "I need to leave for school" I told them storming out of the hellhole. How dare she tell me that. She lives of my father and doesn't even work and starts telling me I should be more grateful, really? I quickly got into my new Mercedes and drove to school. Yes, my dad got a really good job and bought me a nice car, but the only reason for that is he wants to look like the amazing father he never was and never will be. Once I parked my car I already saw my two best friends Celine and Tyler waiting for me in front of the entrance.

"Hello sexy!" Celine greeted me with a wink and engulfed me in a big hug. I love Celine, she always manages to put a smile on my face no matter how troublesome things might be for me. I was pulled away from Celine and Tyler's warm and big arms engulfed me. "How're you doing, are things going alright you look like you didn't have the best start into the new school year" Tyler said. My two best friends were probably the only people apart of my brother that could tell when something's wrong with me. Over the years I learned to put on a wall and let nobody in to see how vulnerable I really was. I let people believe that I was strong and that I didn't care about what people said or thought about me. I created a completely different side of me for the public to see and believe.

"Just the usual problems with Mr and Mrs Devil" I told them showing them that I didn't really want to talk about it right then and there.

"So have you guys got your schedules yet, how many classes do we have together?" I asked them switching the subject to something less personal.

After we compared our schedule we happily noticed that we indeed had English, Algebra and US History together. We had the same teachers as last year except for English.

"Did you already here Breanna? There's a new English teacher here at school-Mr Cohen-Ash. He's supposed to be very young and extremely sexy!" Christina let me know. She was one of the extremely fake cheerleader girls and was always accompanied by her friends Ashlynn and Sabrina, all of whom I couldn't stand. "And you think that'd be of interest to me because...?" I asked her arrogantly and walking past her to my first period, US History. No matter where I went, people always knew me and always wanted to be friends with me, so in all of my classes I had people to talk to and get me over the boring classes. After lunch I had two more classes left, Physics and English. No matter who I talked to, people always seemed to talk about the new English teacher Mr Cohen-Ash, it really started to get on my nerves. After Physics I walked to English where I met up with Celine and Tyler again. Together we walked inside and got seats in the very last row. The new teacher wasn't in the room yet and all you could hear were excited whispers from girls, not being able to wait to finally see the new attraction in the zoo. Once the bell rang the door opened and my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. In walked the most handsome guy I have ever laid my eyes on. He was tall and had slightly tanned skin, dark her and bright blue eyes. His eyes! They were so mesmerizing I could barely stop staring at them, that was until I noticed his amazing body. His tight white shirt fit his muscular chest perfectly and showed off his six pack. Suddenly I got nudged by an elbow which I soon figured out belonged to Tyler. "I thought you said you didn't care about this new teacher?"he smirked. Well that was before I actually laid eyes on Mr Sexy over there. "I don't care about this new Mr whatever he is called!"I heard myself say. Mr Cohen-Ash- I knew his name but I wasn't going to give Tyler anymore reason to tease me than he already thinks he has. "Alright everybody lets settle down a little bit!"the sexiest, deep voice I've ever heard said, it of course belonged to my new English teacher. "As most of you already know, my name is Ian Cohen-Ash. I'm your new English teacher and well I hope we're gonna have a fun time!"he said cockily. "How about y'all get to ask me some questions and then y'all introduce yourselves to me so Ill know your names!"

Immediately several pairs of hands shot in the air not being able to wait to ask him their questions. "Yes, you in the first row" he said pointing at, of course you guessed it, Christina.

"How old are you, Mr Cohen-Ash?"she asked seductively. He smirked and replied "I'm 23 years old and just got out of college, next questions!" Wow he was 23, that's young for a teacher, not that he looks any older than that. I involuntarily found myself counting the age gap between us, 7 years. That's not that much, actually! "Are you single?" Sabrina giggled making me and Celine roll our eyes, like really how desperate can one be? "Yes I'm single" he said and winked. Wait-did he just really wink at us? His students? "I think that are enough questions about me so far. I'll call your names and have you stand up and introduce yourself and please also say your age and something you like to do or something about yourself that you'd like to share with us." He went down the list "Sabrina Henderson". Sabrina instantly got up and started to talk "Well like you just said my name is Sabrina Henderson, I'm 16 years old and something that not many people know about me is that I like older guys!" Wow she really just flirted with our teacher?! She was even more desperate than I thought she was.

"Slut" I said trying to hide it with a cough making everybody laugh. "I see and what's your name?" Mr Cohen-Ash asked me looking at me with a small smile playing on his lips. "Breanna"

"Do you also have a last name Breanna!"he asked, still his cocky smile on his lips.


"Could you get up when you're introducing yourself?"

"If it makes you feel any better" I answered him making all the guys laugh and the girls gasp in shock. To my surprise, he still looked as cocky as ever.

"Alright my name is Breanna Anderson, just in case you suffer from Amnesia or something. I am 16 years old!"

"Is that all you've got to share with us, isn't there something you're forgetting Mrs Anderson?"

"No, not as far as I'm concerned"I replied lazily.

"How about, you already got yourself a weeks worth of detention on your first day of school?"he suggested. "Are you serious? Just because I recognize a slut when I see one?" I spat at him glaring at Sabrina.

"Do you really want a second week?"he asked making me want to rip of his stupid cocky smile. Gosh, I hated this jerk already! I was so relieved when the bell rang I could barely wait to get out of there. "Aren't you forgetting something Mrs Henderson?"the terribly beautiful voice asked. I turned around and went back up to his desk telling Tyler and Celine that it's ok for them to leave. "What?" I spat at him. "How can I help you, Sir!"he corrected me. "Wow you might want to get new glasses if you can't even recognize that I'm a girl!"I replied. "You're really sure of yourself aren't you, Ms Henderson?"

"Whatever you say, Sir!"I said sarcastically.

"Sit down, Ms Henderson, right here next to me"he pulled up a chair beside his. I sat down and he looked at me.

"You act like you're so confident and have no worry in the world but your eyes tell a different story"he remarked still looking at me intently.

"If you say so"I said shocked over how he could see through me so easily when everyone else just saw what I wanted them to see.

"We're gonna start our real detention tomorrow and I expect you to be here after school for the rest of the week. You may leave now."

I quickly got up and walked to my car.

"Why are you late?"Andrews angry voice belled out once I stepped through the front door.

"My teacher had me stay late"I answered truthfully.

He took my ponytail and dragged me into my room"No dinner for you, you dirty lying bitch!"

Hope you enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2015 ⏰

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