I'm Not Fat, I'm Pregnant!

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I hope you guys like this! Its my first story. Comment and rate please!

"uhm tilane moray? the doctors ready to see you!" the confused looking nurse called out. I rolled my eyes at her pronunciation of my name. "Thank you and its pronounced like tay-lin more" I corrected politely sounding it out "Oh well..." she said shrugging, so i just smiled and walked past her. My name is actually spelled Talyn Moore and I'm 15 years old. The reason for the doctors appointment is well...actually its a long story... lets start at the beginning.

*flash back*

"oh my god,I absolutely love that shirt on you!" My best friend Alianna squealed. I span around checking out myself in the giant mirror in her closet. "Are you sure Ali? It makes me look like I'm pregnant!"

Ali just looked me up and down and scoffed "yeah Tay, pregnant as in Nicole Richie when everybody thought she was way to skinny to be pregnant.".

I laughed and thanked my seemingly jealous friend.

I was super super excited for Davids 18th birthday party. David is like my big brother because well, he's Ali's big brother! I was also kinda nervous because he has a lot of older friends and there would be alcohol. I mean i can't say that i never drink. But i mean a bunch of drunk hot hot boys there and probably a drunk me. And considering when i drink with my friends i end up being well...a bit of a slut.

But i mean it'll be okay!

I hope...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2009 ⏰

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