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I can't stand her voice. It's making me want to punch her in the face. I usually throw my anger into my walls and doors. My door has at least six holes in them. I also, think it has some of my dried up blood stuck up on there actually. Haha that's sick. You know I don't see why people freak out about blood. Like blood is my best friend. I think I need to feed my hamster. I'm not really sure how much you're supposed to feed it but I guess it's better than not feeding him right? I honestly can wait for school. I don't really like it. I don't do sports or any after school things. I don't particate in those things. I don't like hearing people say "I'm not good enough" to me. It makes me want to punch them in the face. I don't need friends at school. I have my pillow Ben, and my blanket Scartch. They always cuddle up to me and make me feel comfortable. I think I need to re-dye my hair. I believe people are noticing that I'm not a natural black haired child.

Alexis walked out into the kitchen to grab an apple and dip. Her mom gave her a dirty look.
Alexis: "What."
Mom:"Why do you always wear dark clothes??"
Alexis:"I think black looks good on me and it's my favorite color. Got a problem?"
Mom:"..No I don't I guess."
Alexis:"Good, then I'll be going now."
Mom:"Where are you going?"
Alexis:"To the park."
Alexis rolled her eyes and grabbed her shoulder bag. She smiled and shut the door. She called up her best friend, Jaden.
Alexis:"Hey dude, I'm out of the house want to chill and smoke some?"
Jaden:"Yes, where are you?!"
Alexis:"Dude you're funny. I'm gonna be at the park."
Jaden:"Alright, I'll be there in five minutes."
Alexis hangs up and walks faster so she can get to the park before he arrived. She started to roll a joint. She lit the tip and he rolled up in his GMC truck. She waved him over her as she took a hit. He ran up and hugged her like he always did when they saw each other. They took multiple hits and you could hear them cough out their Lungs. Eyes were glossy, red and half shut.
Alexis:"Is there a party this weekend I would legit go. I've been waiting a long time to get drunk again."
Jaden:"Yea, there is actually. This weekend, Friday."
Alexis:"Tomorrow? Heck ya! I'm in."
Jaden:"Alright, I'll message Frank and let him know you are coming."

(Text Message From Mom)

Mom: Where are you. It's still a school night you need to be home ASAP!
Alexis: Dude I'm hanging out with my friends.
Mom: Who? And well tell them goodbye and start walking home. If you we not home in ten minutes I will come and get you.
Alexis: None of your damn buisness dude, and ok.
Mom: Don't talk to me like that goodbye.
Alexis: Ha ok.

Alexis rolled her eyes and sighed as she took another hit.
Jaden: Hey? What's wrong?
Alexis: My mom wants me to go home..
Jaden: Oh Alexis, don't leave me.
Alexis: I know but I have too.
Jaden:Ok..Want a ride home?
Alexis: Please!
Jaden smiled and he grabbed his keys. Alexis attempted to jump into the truck but honestly failed. He laughed as he threw his body into the seat of the truck. He turned his truck on and sped down the road. Alexis hugged Jaden goodbye and hopped out of the car. She walked up to her door and walked in. She smelled asparagus. Alexis ran to the kitchen and it was filled with cheese. Alexis smiled an ate some.
(Text From Mom)
Mom: I'll be home in a little bit. I went to the store with your sister.
Alexis: Okay.

I heard my dad walk in.
"Excuse me? That's my dinner. Why are you eating it?" I looked at him.
"You could use some working out. You don't need food you're kind of fat." He laughed.
"Thanks.." I said walking away and speed walking into my room. I can't believe my dad makes fun of me. He's so childish and rude. I wish he would realize that it does hurt. I guess he thinks he's so perfect he doesn't see it. I smashed my hand into my mirror. It was worth it. I'm bleeding and I don't have to see my ugly face in it. All the drops of blood I put in a bottle called. Forget The Forgotten.
It's filled like 5% of the way. It's pretty cool actually. I walked into the bathroom and took six anxiety pills and four depression pills and past out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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