My life...

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The story I'm about to tell you is about a typical high school teenage girls' life. The only thing she has with her is....hope.

It all started around the year of 2006 or 2007, this girl by the name of Ty has had a bit of a roller coaster life, one moment she's up and the next she's down and around...

Ty's POV

"Mom, what's going on, where are we moving, I don't like this guy.... Can we stay here?" I demanded

"We are moving to Rochester with Kirk and you need to get your stuff around to load into the truck, it's gonna be here in an hour" My mother said with frustration

I threw my stuff into a few boxes and left the house, I was only 7 at the time but I didn't care! I didn't like my moms new husband an I don't want to move in with him! By the time we got our stuff settled in Kirks house, we ate dinner.

A few months pass...

Kirks POV

"Cindy, get your fat ass son of your out here and make him get me something to eat from the corner store, oh and make sure ur daughter goes with him!"

Ty's POV

I heard everything they had fought about, my mom couldn't take his rude shit anymore, so after 2 years we left. "Finally!"

I now attend a school where the kind of wealthy people go, even though I'm just living in an apartment in town because we don't have much to live off. We were doing okay until my older brother, Tony started doing bad stuff with other stupid teens.

He started smoking pot, drinking alcohols, COCAIN, tried heroine once, and started huffing daily cleaner supplies (duster mostly) oh and don't forget over dosing on medicine (triple c's, night quill, etc) after so long he was sentence to jail... By the time he got out, he was driving... His first car shit the bed, his second was a truck the he totaled after 4 days of having it in the road, 3rd car he had for awhile but that was because he returned to jail again and then went to shock camp for 6 months in Mariah. He started driving his 3rd car when he got out but then he crashed it into a tree because he fell asleep at the wheel, and his last car was not to long ago, he had it on the road for 2 weeks and crashed it because he was getting high at the wheel... Yeah I know, he's an idiot, he was sentenced to jail the 3rd time and then had his court date saying he was now sentence to prison for 11 months

My mom on the other hand is very stressed out because of my brother, now I'm 14 and its 2013 and I'm just been in love with One Direction from day 1!!! There going to be in America soon and I'm going to there concert in July in Denver! So excited!!!! My room is filled with posters of them! I want to meet them but that chance is slim because of my lifestyle.... :(

I have 3 sisters but one of them died last year on Saint Patricks Day, that was probably one of the most toughest year I have every experienced, she was one 3 and a half.... I had to put up with her death and my only brother being in shock camp during that time, I was basically alone because Tony was my best friend and my older sister lives on her own and my other little sister is 6 now and lives with my father in Pennslyvania... I on the other hand live in New York.

I guess my life isn't all that bad, but both of my parents are jobless and I live in an apartment complex that sucks! I can't wait till I can get a job and a car so I can be outta here! I have two of the bestest friends in the world but one of them lives a little ways away from me, the other I go to school with and I'm going to 1D'a concert with her!!!

What I Do!

I love to draw and mix a bunch of pictures together!! I love romance books and movie along with mythical/fantasies (stuff like Harry Potter) I'm not the nerd type but I do like the unusual things in life, I'm unique I guess...I'm a freshman and I'm on Varsity cheerleading for my school an I love it!!! I don't care if people don't think it's a sport but it makes me happy! I can't sing, dance, and I don't know if I can act... My mom says I would be a good model because I have the body, face and attitude for it!

My weakness


What I love!

-one direction

-Marilyn Monroe




-friendly people

-funny people

-being loved

-80's music along with the newer day stuff (mostly 80's)

-being lazy


-having fun

-hanging out with friends



-being myself!

"I'm not perfect, nobody is!!!"

"Live in the moment, you don't get a second chance!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2013 ⏰

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