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There was once a noble city called Siturus in the Greek mountains. This city was very rich, but humble, and very popular. People came from all over the lands to ask advice of the chief and the elders and anyone else who lived there. Then once, maybe 14 years ago, 2 Elementals were born. These Elementals caused a disturbance in the weight of the planet. Before they were born, Siturus was a place of great parties and celebrations. It was the peace-keeper among other kingdoms. When these twins were born however, the world seemed to stop for a second. These kids would decide the fate of the world. People became jealous and worried. Now, Siturus, the humble, noble village had the power to stop anyone in their way. That's why, when the kids were 14 ½ , a witch, came and demanded the children come with her. She sat at the table, always with her hood on. No one saw her face, no one knew she was the notorious bounty hunter, Shosy De Glanca, who had kidnapped many and killed the president. She said that she could make them great Ma Gicians, people who could work Ma Gic better than any. She also said they would be great fighters, if she raised them. She was lying, of course. Her offer was refused, but she was not to be kept at bay. She came back a week later, claiming that she had come to negotiate. Once again, she sat at the table with her hood always on. She dropped a bag of coins on the table and explained that she would request only once, she would exchange the children for the money. The elders weren't convinced. She dropped another bag of gold on the table.

"I am willing to give these children a chance no one else has ever dreamed of. Many people would wish for this chance. I can give it to them."

The elders were completely convinced, but the chief wasn't. The chief could see a spell was on his comrades, and he could feel himself going under to. Part of his brain, the part that was not under the spell, was saying that he couldn't understand why someone would come and demand children first, then offer to pay for them. The other part of his brain was saying that this was the money that the village needed and that they should take the money, and hand over the kids. His wisdom got the better of him, when the woman looked up from the table and the chief saw a flicker in her eye, like fire. A second too late, he knew who it was, sitting in front of him. He lunged for his axe as she shot a torrent of fire at were his head would have been, had he not moved. He yelled at the elders sitting around the table. They all snapped out of the trance the woman had put them in and grabbed their weapons. They tried to fight the woman away by yelling at her, but she was to strong, even for weapons. The whole village had to get involved and they finally got her under control and tied up.

"I curse this village with every breath left in body. I curse this world forever!" She screamed from under the ropes. Then she dissipated into black smoke and was gone.

The village was completely destroyed. They began to rebuild. The children were kept under constant watch, never let out of the chief's sight. There were fire burns everywhere, and lots of wood and metal littered the ground. The villagers all stumbled through the mulch and rubble, looking for any survivors. It was a dismal sight. The village was in a state of mourning, for they had lost many soldiers in this battle. But they didn't have much time for mourning, as the witch's curse began to work just a few days after. The witch seemed to have been nice enough to give them 3 days of mourning, but then the battles started. They started with the main city attacking Siturus and they continued from there. Siturus didn't have time to stop or even to think. They lost so many that soon they weren't a large village, possibly a city, they were a few houses and a few people living in the rubble. That was until the Elementals learned Ma Gic...

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