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I'LL BE TRUTHFUL WITH NO SARCASM!!! THIS WAS PROBABLY THE BEST DAY EVER!!! Okay, I ate the most amazing breakfast.... And lunch.... And now dinner... OKAY BEST PART OF TODAY!!! So, I made my crush laugh... AND I'm going to a comic dub with him... So YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! lol, okay? sorry. Most weirdest thing today, is some guy asked me out....I told him I'll think about it, but truth be told.... It'll be a no.... Cause I only want my crush..... I call him Crush not his name.... eh... Anyway....I also got my schedule changed. So instead of having Gym, I have a lovely thing called Art.... Now I can draw whatever the crap I want.... If it's school appropriate...I wonder if a poster for a club at school is appropriate...I gotta look that up! OKAY! I finished dinner.. lol. Anyway... Second best thing... My mom got me a puppy....I named him Dugg.... He's so cute!!!! Okay, he's potty trained to, Lol. Anyway, now time for me to "hit the hay" and go to sleep.... so. Goodnight!!

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