What Does Your Favourite Food Say About You?

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Chocolate: You're a lovable, emotional irrational mess. Kind of a trainwreck really. But awesome in your own "special" way. You provide hours of entertainment to your friends just by being alive. You swing from high to low on a dime aren't adverse to throwing epic temper tantrums. You love cats, which is evident by the cat hair on your clothes and have wildly unrealistic expectations of others.

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Taco Bell: Seriously... You are a bit of a problem drinker and the more you drink the lower your standards become. You have been known to get black out drunk on occasion, which eventually ends up with you miraculously finding your way home only to wake up hating yourself the next morning. You've given up on life and yourself.

 You've given up on life and yourself

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Craft Beer: You own at least one pair of Ray Bans, prefer vinyl and love getting hella drunk at music festivals (preferably on someone else's dime). You are pretty into indie rock and suffer from a superiority complex when all those hops go straight to your head. You aren't great at managing cash flow, have bushy eyebrows and hide out alone drinking Lakeport when things get desperate.

 You aren't great at managing cash flow, have bushy eyebrows and hide out alone drinking Lakeport when things get desperate

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2015 ⏰

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