Mr. Crawford

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"Chevy, Toyota, Pontiac: There are just so many choices you kids have when buying a new car these days. But everyone knows that Ford is-"

"The most reliable car company. Yes I know Mr. Crawford." I said rolling my eyes at the local neighborhood’s crazy man.

So maybe that was a little mean to call him crazy, but by his raggedy clothes, mangled teeth, and stubby nails Mr. Crawford fit the definition of crazy pretty well. There were even rumors in the neighborhood that his name wasn't even Mr. Crawford but that he stole somebody's identity because he was a rouge criminal that escaped from Vietnam.

"So when are you going to take me for a spin in your new hot wheel's son?" He asked banging his hand down on my new shiny Maserati.  I cringed at the newly forming handprint smear I knew I would have to get rid of later. Mr. Crawford had hardly bothered me for the past 6 months of living in the neighborhood and I wanted to keep it that way.  Giving a shaky laugh "Not today Mr. Crawford. Not Today. "

"Well you sure will have to when you give me a ride to the dentist tomorrow?"

 I was confused "The dentist sir?"

"Yes boy. We'll also have to stop by the store to get me some new clothes." He said pulling at the gray shirt with holes in it.

"I'm not quite sure what you’re saying Mr. Crawford but I'll see you tomorrow. Have a nice day." I locked my car and walked towards my house, but the man still followed me.

 "I said 'Have a nice day' Mr. Crawford." But the man just stared at me.

"Didn't you say I could stay at your place for awhile?"

 I was truly flabbergasted by this man, his nerves, and his craziness. I was seriously starting to lose my patience with him.  "Mr. Crawford I have no idea where you got that idea from but if you do not get off my property by the count of five I will call the police." I said waving my iPhone at him with my fingering hovering over the Emergency Call button.

"Alright, maybe you didn't really say any of that but look, I just need a place to stay at for a few days. I won't be any trouble. I just need a place to stay and some food. It doesn't even have to be a real meal. Could you just spare a piece of bread if anything son?"

I took my keys out and opened my door. I saw Mr. Crawford’s eyes light up with hopefulness of having a place to stay as I slammed the door in his face and locked it. The last thing I needed was some crazy man stealing my 3D TV or my imported soaps from France.

The next morning I heard an ambulance siren outside my house. I peeked out my window curtains to see a whole party of paramedics and one of my neighbors- in my driveway at 7am on a Saturday. I got my Persian robe and slippers on and shuffled over to the commotion. "What on earth is going on?" I wondered to myself.. I got my question answered by seeing Mr. Crawford lying on the icy pavement. I tried asking "Is he-"

"He's dead sir" The paramedic said.

I nodded solemnly. "Well better get him off my pavement before breakfast."

As I turned to walk back to my house I could hear the neighbors whispering about how I was such a horrible man for not caring about the dead man, but he frankly I didn't care. The man never held much value to me. 

*This story, the narrator and Mr. Crawford are all property of Romance105*

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